Whole School Approach
Department Objective To provide robust and reliable reporting documentation that is fully evidenced To support students in their development with clear and consistent assessment and reporting documentation To develop documentation that can be shared by all parties; pupils, parents, teachers, external verifiers
Where Are We Now? Drama & Music – E’s & O’s fully embedded SALS tbc Levels tbc PLP’s tbc Art - Excellent exemplars verified PLP’s to include action plans
WHAT WILL WE DO NEXT? Create robust and coherent documentation to be used across department All areas to take portfolio approach All subjects to have exemplar documentation for achievement of levels Pupils working to standarised documents will develop deeper understanding of importance and relevance, rather than trying to follow 3 different approaches Pupils standard of work has significantly improved in Art due to pride in owning their portfolio – pass round exemplars Use current information on Education Scotland, or develop own materials
WHEN WILL WE DO THIS BY? Senior Phase Documentation – by Easter Holidays BGE Documentation – by change of time-table
GENERIC EXPRESSIVE ARTS EVIDENCE PLP’s PORTFOLIOS ELECTRONIC RECORDS All pupils will have a PLP at the back of their portfolio. This information is a duplicate of the ‘Progress Planner’ but also includes any records of letters home, praise postcards, general action plan information (see APPENDIX 1) All pupils in Art, Music and Drama will own a ‘sketchbook’ portfolio. This will contain their assessment evidence all of which will be clearly marked as to what outcome it relates to – EXAMPLES ON DESK Department record and action plan for BGE for pupils marked as RED. S3 electronic record to support with choices (next slide). Further study and discussion around Drama spread-sheet.
SIGNIFICANT ASPECTS OF LEARNING Creating – Demonstrate that they can be creative and express themselves in different ways. Finding creative solutions to problems. Working cooperatively. Opportunities to develop expressive arts interest and skills. Partnerships with professional performer/artists. Presenting - Presenting to different audiences and being part of an audience. Working collaboratively and independently. Wider curriculum opportunity. Evaluating - Analyse, explore and reflect. Evidence of important skills that are transferrable.
SIGNIFICANT ASPECTS OF LEARNING cont. BREADTH/CHALLENGE/APPLICATION WHERE ARE WE NOW? Use of ICT, interdisciplinary work, life and those of school, personalisation and choice As a department, we are having professional dialogue, using materials from Education Scotland etc. In order to plan for implementation across levels. SALS evident in some areas already, however, needs to be standarised and consistently implemented across Expressive Arts.
ACTION PLAN Portfolios Exemplar Evidence Curricular maps/tools E’s & O’s Cross Curricular/Interdisciplinary Implementation Review & Reflect All areas to use this approach in 2015/16 session Exemplar evidence created to use as a measure for QA purposes Curricular maps/other tools available need to be ‘tweaked’ made fit for EHS purpose All E’s and O’s must link directly with all other work being done - holistic model Where can interdisciplinary work take place to provide breadth and depth to learning across Expressive Arts Materials finalised during exam leave, to be implemented with new course delivery – review before end of term
SLIDE 8 Pupils working to standarised documents will develop deeper understanding of importance and relevance, rather than trying to follow 3 different approaches Pupils standard of work has significantly improved in Art due to pride in owning their portfolio – pass round exemplars Use current information on education Scotland, or develop own materials SLIDE 10 Use of ICT, interdisciplinary work, life and those of school, personalisation and choice SLIDE 11 All areas to use this approach in 2015/16 session Exemplar evidence created to use as a measure for QA purposes Curricular maps/other tools available need to be ‘tweaked’ made fit for EHS purpose All E’s and O’s must link directly with all other work being done - holistic model Where can interdisciplinary work take place to provide breadth and depth to learning across Expressive Arts Materials finalised during exam leave, to be implemented with new course delivery – review before end of term