Welcome to Hidden Valley Middle School Helping Students Find Their Wings Since 1972
2019-2020 Registration Meeting Schedule Lockers/Lunch/Activities SOL’s Courses/Electives/Registration Process Questions
Modified Block Schedule English/Math Everyday all year Math/English Everyday all year Science/SS Everyday for 1 Sem SS/Science Everyday for 1 Sem Electives/ PE A-Day B-Day
Advisory Part of PBIS Once a week Character lessons; life lessons “go to” adult Advisor “rolls” with the student throughout their tenure at HVMS
Schedules Schedule Pick Up Night—late summer, pick up schedule, locker number and combination are on the schedule Locker Mates Gym Suits Dates will be in newsletter and on the HVMS website
SOL Tests 6th grade—Math & Reading 7th grade—Math/Algebra 1 Reading 8th grade—Writing, Reading, Science, Math, Algebra 1/Geometry and Civics and Economics
Sixth Grade Activities After School Socials/Dances Team Managers Builder’s Club First Priority Club Book Club Art Club Destination Imagination SCA Kindness Club TSA Coding Club Game Club Yearbook Club Harry Potter Club Math Counts
Lunch! Meal Choices Lunch Numbers Announcements
6th Grade Course Selections English (95 minute block; all year; SOL test) Math 6 (95 minute block; all year ;SOL test) Science 6 (95 minute block; one semester) U. S. History Pt. 1(95 min block; one semester) Health/PE Elective Total-6 classes, 5 classes each semester
Math Math 6 PreAlegbra 6— teacher recommendation 95 minute block, all year, every day SOL test
AMP 6 Accelerated Math Program (AMP) Placement based on meeting selection criteria, OLSAT score of 116+, 3,4 & 5 math grades, SOL scores, teacher recommendation. 95 minute block, all year, every day SOL test Letters will be sent home once screening is complete
English English 6 Pre-AP English 6— teacher recommendation, requires summer reading, parent must sign Pre-AP Contract 95 minute block, all year, every day SOL test
SCIENCE Science 6 Pre-AP Science 6—teacher recommendation, science project, parent must sign Pre-AP Contract 95 minute block, one semester, every day
US HISTORY PT. 1 US History Pt. 1 Pre-AP US History Pt. 1—teacher recommendation, parent must sign Pre-AP Contract 95 minute block, one semester, every day
Health & PE All PE beginning and end of year 45 mins. Health and 45 mins. PE during cold weather Everyone dresses out for PE 95 minute block, all year long, every other day
Electives 95 minute block Choir-meets all year, every other day Band-meets all year, every other day Interest Block-new class every 6-9 weeks, may include: Art, World Language, Computer Skills, Technology Education, meets all year, every other day Directed Study Hall
VISITATIONS GVES—Tuesday, Nov. 27 CSES---Wednesday, Nov. 28 OGES---Thursday, Nov. 29
Registration Forms Students will bring home: Registration form Registration Guide Pre-AP contract AMP letter
No Pre-AP 6th grade Math classes
Teacher recommendations will be marked on the registration form. Teachers will tell students date form is due back to them. Must have parent signature on the form. Make sure address and phone number are correct. Pre-AP Contract must be signed. Questions about recommendations should be directed to current teacher.
Choose one elective, Band, Choir or Interest Block 6th graders will get the elective they choose. HVMS will enter courses and give each student a list of courses they are registered for in Feb. Changes can be made at that time. No schedule changes after June 1
What is a high school AP course? Highly rigorous course Students may earn college credit Students must do well on AP Exam AP Exams require critical thinking and writing skills
What is a middle school Pre-AP course? Provides greater access to AP courses Exposes students earlier to skills and habits of mind necessary for AP Content-specific instructional strategies to teach students AP-related skills, concepts, and assessment methods
What are the characteristics of students who will be successful in Pre-AP? Attend school regularly Prioritize tasks & responsibilities Work within time constraints Appreciate a challenging curriculum Be willing to complete summer reading and/or science project
Questions after tonight? Talk to current teacher or Contact HVMS counselor Mrs. Childress (A-K) Ms. Bruno (L-Z)