Trust Induction Blackpool Victoria Hospital Dr Ruth Palmer Consultant Microbiologist
Infection Prevention & Control Hand hygiene Personal protective equipment use FFP3 masks Vaccine uptake Self care
Antimicrobial Prescribing Control Targets Targets for overall and specific AB use (mainly AMBER and RED agents in this hospital Targets for AB review and monitoring Antibiotic prescribing CHECK PREVIOUS RESULTS Initial prescription is 5 days or less put proposed duration in request box 24 and 48-hour review of antibiotic prescription must be logged in notes and be by CT level staff or consultant Review potential to change IV to oral (CHORAL) Review microbiology results and de-escalate antibiotics When rewriting after 5 days put the stop date in
Infection Control Targets MRSA Bacteraemias- trust target - 0 There is a procedure for taking blood cultures that must be followed (ANTT), If known MRSA positive patient then ADJUST EMPIRIC REGIME to cover to avoid infection becoming bacteraemia. Ensure surgical prophylaxis covers MRSA Clostridium difficile associated diarrhoea (CDAC) Your role will be in prudent antibiotic prescribing Participation in NSSISS for joint infection E coli bacteremia 50% reduction by 2021.