I never thought you could do THAT with THIS Making Materials Work I never thought you could do THAT with THIS
Goals To recognize that a material has an original design as well as alternative uses To practice making materials work for purposes other than their original designs To understand that team members manipulate provided materials to desired outcomes in Team Challenge and Instant Challenge solutions
Methods Presentation Activities Discussion Debrief
Materials Matter Extenders Connectors Controllers
How to Make Materials Work for You Extenders/Connector Combinations Paper Columns Envelopes/Index Cards/Wire Hanger
Making the Most of Materials Activity Making the Most of Materials
Destination ImagiNation® Mini Challenges Activity Destination ImagiNation® Mini Challenges
Debrief Questions How were the materials used in unique / novel ways? Did the team complete the task appropriately? Did the team complete the task on time? What are some things the team did that worked well? What are some things they could have done differently In what ways did the team work together? ?could add this through the
How to Make Materials Work for You! Activity How to Make Materials Work for You!
Assessment How is knowing “how to make materials work” helpful in both Team Challenge and Instant Challenge? How are thinking tools helpful when determining how to make materials work for you?
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