Cultural Geography Field of human geography that analyzes how and why culture is expressed in different ways in different places.
Cultural Landscape (or built environment) Tangible result of a human group’s interaction with its environment.
Cultural Diffusion Process by which a cultural element spreads from its hearth across space and time. There are two forms: expansion and relocation.
Culture Trait Single piece of a culture’s traditions and practices.
Acculturation Occurs when a less-dominant culture comes into contact with and adopts traits from a more dominant culture.
Religion Set of beliefs and activities created to help humans celebrate and understand their place in the world.
Universalizing Religion Type of religion that believes that its truth is the one and only truth and is applicable to all humans, a belief often leading to proselytizing and missionary work.
Ethnic Religion Religion that comprises one group of people or exists in one place and does not seek converts.
MAJOR UNIVERSALIZING RELIGIONS Buddhism Christianity Islam Sikhism
MAJOR ETHNIC RELIGIONS Hinduism Judaism Shintoism Taoism (Daoism) Confucianism
LANGUAGE FAMILIES Indo-European Sino-Tibetan Niger-Congo Afro-Asiatic Austronesian Dravidian
Ethnicity Complex identity created by a people to define their group through actual or perceived shared culture traits, such as language, religion, and so forth.
Gender Category of classifying humans reflecting not just biological but also social differences between men and women.
Folk Culture Isolated group that has had long-lasting culture traits that have not changed substantially over time.
Popular Culture Mass culture that diffuses rapidly.