W E L C O M E to… and Kingswood Elementary Hammonds Plains Consolidated to…
The school opened in 1999 and was named after Madeline Symonds, a former influential educator in Hammonds Plains.
School Spirit!! Our school mascot: Our school colours: Maroon + Navy
Timetable 7:40-8:00 Arrive 8:00-8:10 Homeroom 8:10-8:40 Period 1 8:40-9:10 Period 2 9:10-9:40 Period 3 9:40-9:55 Gr 6 Break 9:40-10:10 Period 4 10:10-10:40 Period 5 10:40-11:10 Period 6 11:10-11:40 6/7 Lunch 11:45 to 12:15 8/9 Lunch 12:20-12:50 Period 8 12:50-1:20 Period 9 1:20-1:50 Period 10 1:55 Dismissal
Our School 728 students expected for 2019-2020 28 homeroom classes (12 French Immersion) 1 full-time Principal and 2 Vice Principal 1 full-time Guidance Counsellor + 0.2 1 full-time and 1 part-time Secretary 38 classroom teachers 2 Resource teachers 1.5 Learning Centre teacher + EPAs 50% Math Support teacher
Our School 1 African Nova Scotian Student Support worker (40%) and 1 Aboriginal Student Support Worker (40%) Student Services: EAL support teacher, SLD teacher, Speech-Language Pathologist, School Psychologist, Literacy Coordinator, Numeracy Coordinator, APSEA worker, etc. 1 Library Technician 1 Computer Technician 1 RCMP School Liaison officer Many extra-curricular activities
CURRICULUM (classes/courses/subjects) Language Arts (ELA and FLA) Social Studies Math Science Healthy Living Core French / Core English Physical Education Music – Grade 6/Band Grade 7 to 9* Electives: Band, Art, Tech. Ed. And Family Studies.
Assessment and Evaluation Ongoing throughout the year Class work Journals Assignments Quizzes/Tests Projects Portfolios Presentations Conferencing Peer and Self Assessments
Communicating Student Learning Three Reporting Periods Two formal Parent Teacher Sessions Teacher/Parent Contact MSMS website (msm.hrce.ca) Newsletters PowerSchool Phone Calls E-Mail Google Classroom
Early / Late Fr. Immersion Same curriculum Late Immersion starts in grade 7 English Language Arts, Band, Art, Phys. Ed., Tech. Ed. and Family Studies are taught in English Need a good work ethic, be interested in French Language and be willing to participate in class
Band Grade 7, 8 & 9 Committed to practice at home After school Band rehearsals Attend festivals Involved at functions at the school Lifetime cool factor to play music Early morning Band practice
Cafeteria Services We have a full-service cafeteria which offers daily specials, homemade soups, and monthly lunch menus. Our cafeteria is open to students at lunch, please order online. There are two microwaves available and water bottle fill up stations for your convenience.
Opening Day… Students will… Homeroom teachers will… Go directly to the gym or cafeteria after being called in Listen for your name and class Follow your homeroom teacher to your class Homeroom teachers will… Collect student fees ($25.00) Review The Provincial Code of Conduct Pass out locks and assign lockers (practice combination locks over the summer) Pass out class schedule Hand out forms to be signed and returned Attend student workshops (i.e., Anti-bullying, Study Skills and Test-taking Skills, Responsible Technology Use, etc.)
Classes for 2019-2020 Teachers from the elementary schools make up the class lists and send them to MSMS Students will have someone they are friendly with in their class Great opportunity to make new friends MSMS does not take requests for class changes No need to worry it will all be good!
Procedures Cell phones Earbuds Lockers Locks ($5.00 replacement fee) Backpacks Buses First Friday will be workshops with your teachers
A Day in the Life at MSMS Before the 8:00 am bell: • Students are to wait outside until the 8 AM bell on the basketball court. Teacher supervision begins at 7:40 A.M. • In the case of inclement weather, students may enter the school at 7:40 and wait either in the gymnasium or cafeteria until the 8:00 bell. Please note that there will not be any activities in the gym at this time due to the number of students, however teacher supervision will be provided in both locations. • Students are not to go to their lockers before the 8:00 bell rings. • At the bell, students are to go directly to their lockers and prepare for morning classes by taking whatever is needed then immediately going to their homeroom to wait for O Canada and announcements. Homeroom (8:00-8:10): • All students are expected to be in class by 8:05 and ready for O Canada. It’s also important that students have all homework, agendas and materials with them for their morning classes. • Homeroom teachers will take attendance during this time so it is important for students to be to school on time. • Announcements will be aired during this time. Students will start their first class of the day immediately following the announcements at 8:10. • If students are late to school, they must sign in at the office.
8:10-9:40: • There are 3 class blocks during this time. Students may or may not be in their homeroom class during this time or they may have to move to another room depending on their daily schedule. • If anyone leaves the room during the day, they are required to take the hall pass with them. Grade 7 Snack – depending on the teacher, students may be permitted to eat in certain classrooms as a brief nutrition break. A small easily consumed and healthy snack would be preferable. Grade 6 recess (9:40-9:55): • There is a bell at 9:40, so the teacher will dismiss their students at that time. Students may purchase a recess snack in the cafeteria if they have not brought one from home, and they may remain in the cafeteria or go outside. Both areas are supervised during recess. • All students are expected to clean their mess up before they leave the cafeteria. • Students can sign out basketballs, footballs and soccer balls to take outside during recess. **Grade 7 students will continue with their Block 4 class at 9:40. Classes (10:10-11:10): • There are 2 class blocks during this time. Again, students will either move to other classrooms or stay in their homeroom.
Grade 6 and 7 lunch (11:10-11:40): • Students are permitted in the cafeteria, library and outside at lunch time. All areas will be supervised. • A program called “We Dine Together” is a lunch club that provides an alternate setting to those students who find crowds overwhelming and do not want to eat alone. Ms. Meers started this club so if anyone found themselves alone at lunch time for whatever reason, they have a place to go and not have the embarrassment of being alone in front of all the other students on lunch. • Students are not to be in the hallways or bathrooms upstairs. • All students are encouraged to be outside when the weather permits. Therefore, it is important to take your jackets, hats, mitts, etc. with you on your way down to the cafeteria to eat lunch as students are not to be going up and down the stairs. Once lunch begins, you stay in the library or downstairs. • Students can sign out basketballs, footballs and soccer balls to take outside during lunch. • There is usually quite a long wait for food in the cafeteria, therefore it is best if students or their parents/guardians pre-order their lunch online to save time, as this is the only method of pre-ordering. The link can be found on our school website. • All students are expected to clean their mess before they leave the cafeteria. • Many teachers will offer extra help sessions during lunch time; the specific days will depend on the individual teacher. It’s best for students to bring a packed lunch on the day they plan to stay for extra help so that they can make the most of their time.
11:40-11:45: • Students are to quickly go to their lockers and prepare for afternoon classes. Classes (11:45-1:55): • There are 4, 30-minute blocks in the afternoon. Individual classes will move throughout the school depending on the students’ timetable. • Students are permitted at their lockers during the day before and after Phys. Ed. classes and at the dismissal bell.
Extracurriculars sports teams clubs dances field trips Please Note: If you want to volunteer, please make sure you have your Criminal Records Check and Child Abuse Registry updated and submitted to the office in September.
SLAC (Student Life Activity Council) Fully implemented at MSMS Activities for all grades with representatives from Gr 8 & 9 Homeroom point system for participation School wide events...ie. Carnival, Holiday Hoopla, Theme Days, Lunchtime competitions and Charitable Events Promoting Positive School Spirit
Emergency Procedures Throughout the year we will have several emergency drills. Each teacher will go over the procedures for their classroom. Fire Drills Lock Down Hold and Secure Relocation
Questions anyone?
Tour of School You will be put in groups to get a tour of the school building. Thank you for attending this information evening. We look forward to seeing your child in September. Have a great summer!