Newly Certified Survey ABOHN 2018 Results
ABOHN periodically sends a survey requesting information on study habits of those OHN’s who achieved their COHN or COHN-S. We hope that this information will be helpful to our applicants and candidates as they start on their road to certification.
Question 1: About how many years had you been in occupational health nursing when you took the certification exam?
Question 2: About how many years of registered nurse experience had you had before taking the certification exam?
Question 3: Regarding your exam study plan, how often did you study?
Question 4: How long before the exam did you begin studying?
Question 5: Please provided an estimate of how many hours a week you studied.
Question 6: On a scale of 1-5, please indicate examination preparation materials you utilized to study for certification.
Question 7: If you took a review course, please choose the option which best describes the timeframe before your exam in which you attended your review course:
Q8: Which review course did you attend?
ABOHN Board of Directors and Staff wish you the Best of Luck on the exam!