Q: Which country is this? A: Egypt
Q: Which country is this? A: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Q: Which country is this? A: Kenya
Q: Which country is this? A: Nigeria
Q: Which country is this? A: Sudan
Q: Which country is this? A: South Africa
Q: What land feature is this? A: Sahara Desert
Q: What land feature is this? A: Kalahari Desert
Q: What land feature is this? A: Sahel
Q: What land feature is this? A: Savanna
What land feature is this? Q: What land feature is this? A: Rain forest
Q: What river is this? A: Congo River
Q: What river is this? A: Niger River
Q: What river is this? A: Nile River
Q: What lake is this? A: Tanganyika
Q: What lake is this? A: Victoria
What is the name of these mountains? Q: What is the name of these mountains? A: Atlas
Q: Most people in North Africa speak what language and practice which religion? A: Arabic; Islam
Q: Farmers do well in this region of tall grasses and scattered trees and shrubs located north and south of the rain forests. A: The Savanna
Q: While most people throughout Africa make a living as farmers, the people of North Africa participate in what economic activity? A: Nomadic herding
Q: What is the strip of land called that separates the Sahara Desert from wetter areas of West Africa? A: The Sahel
Q: What is the major environmental issue affecting people that live in the Sahel? A: desertification
Q: A: Pollution & unequal distribution What are two of the major issues contributing to problems with water used for irrigation, trade, industry, and drinking water in Africa ? A: Pollution & unequal distribution
Q: What are two of the major environmental issues that deal with land in Africa ? A: Poor soil and deforestation
Q: This group of people live in West African nations like Ghana. They believe in nature spirits, witches, demons, and fairies. They also have a great respect for their elders. A: Ashanti
Q: Many Ashanti believe in nature spirits, witches, demons, and fairies. However, many Ashanti also practice which 2 other religions? A: Islam and Christianity
Q: This culture developed from the blending of Arab and Bantu cultures. These people live in East Africa, and their language is used throughout many African nations for business and communication. A: Swahili
The Swahili people of East Africa practice which religions? Q: The Swahili people of East Africa practice which religions? A: Islam and mila (local beliefs)
Q: Explain the relationship between a country’s literacy rate and it’s standard of living. A: The higher the literacy rate; the higher the standard of living. The lower the literacy rate, the lower the standard of living.
What is the most important resource in North and West Africa? Q: What is the most important resource in North and West Africa? A: oil
Q: A: Timber and hydroelectricity Central Africa is rich in natural resources. What do the forests and dams on river provide? A: Timber and hydroelectricity
Q: Located near the equator in Central Africa, this region is known primarily for the environmental issue of deforestation! A: Rain forest
What is the purpose of the Aswan High Dam? Q: What is the purpose of the Aswan High Dam? A: To control the flooding of the Nile River.
Q: Why did European traders begin acquiring African slaves in the early 1600s? A: Work force in the American colonies
Q: What impact did the slave trade have on Africa (particularly West Africa)? A: Devastated West Africa; split up families, killed millions, and damaged cultures (The most healthy, skilled, and most capable workers were taken)
Q: After the end of the slave trade, why did Europeans continue coming to West Africa? A: Actually to Africa in general: for the resources
What was the purpose of the Berlin Conference in 1885? Q: What was the purpose of the Berlin Conference in 1885? A: To avoid armed conflict among European nations, they met and set up rules to divide Africa
Which two European nations colonized the most land in Africa? Q: Which two European nations colonized the most land in Africa? A: Britain and France
Which two African countries were never colonized? Q: Which two African countries were never colonized? A: Ethiopia and Liberia
Q: What were some of the impacts of European colonization on African society? A: Positive: Europeans built schools, roads, and rail roads Negatives: farmers were forced to grow cash crops leading to food shortages, work under harsh conditions, and encouraged to fight each other
Q: What impact did the political boundaries that Europeans created to divide their colonies have on Africa? A: They forced some groups together that did not get along and separated others creating ethnic and religious conflict.
Q: After what event did many Africans begin to challenge European colonial rule? A: World War II
What was the purpose of Pan-Africanism? Q: What was the purpose of Pan-Africanism? A: To get Africans to think of themselves as one people and to work together
Q: What do Kwame Nkrumah, Jomo Kenyatta, and Leopold Senghar Sedar have in common? A: They were all important independence leaders
Q: By what time period had most African countries received their independence? A: 1960s
Q: What were some of the challenges faced by many African countries after becoming independent? A: Political Issues: Unstable governments, military over throws, civil war, and ethnic & religious conflict Economic Issues: Unstable governments, unemployment, low GDP and GDP per capita Social Issues: ethnic and religious conflict, education issues, health issues
Q: What factors have led to ethnic conflict in countries like Kenya, Rwanda, Nigeria, and Sudan? A: Conflict between these two groups: ethnic & religious Conflict between political groups within a single country called: civil war Conflict over land rights due to: artificial boundaries
Q: What has led to genocide taking place in several of the countries of Africa? A: Long standing hatred and artificial boundaries
What is the difference between the Afrikaners and the Boers? Q: What is the difference between the Afrikaners and the Boers? A: Boers moved inland to farm
What was the goal of apartheid? Q: What was the goal of apartheid? A: To keep land and wealth under white control
During apartheid, what group held most of the power in South Africa? Q: During apartheid, what group held most of the power in South Africa? A: Whites
How did apartheid impact black South Africans? Q: How did apartheid impact black South Africans? A: Forced to live in townships and homelands, not allowed to vote, had to attend poor schools, were kept in low-paying jobs, and banned from white restaurants, schools, and hospitals
Q: Who were F.W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela? And, what role did both men play in bringing an end to apartheid in South Africa? Both presidents of South Africa. F.W. de Klerk began to repeal the Apartheid laws and freed Nelson Mandela from jail. Nelson Mandela led the African National Congress (A.N.C.) and fought against Apartheid. After Mandela was freed from prison he was elected South Africa’s first black president in the country’s first multiracial elections. They both won the Nobel Peace Prize. A:
Q: After independence, many African countries continued to have what problems? A: Wars among ethnic groups
Q: These type of penalties are often imposed by one country on another to force changes in policies. A: Sanctions