Information for Parents Poison Prevention Information for Parents The overwhelming majority of poisonings occur at home. Although exposure to hazardous substances is scary and dangerous at any age, children have a special vulnerability that heightens the danger. According to the American Association of Poison Control Centers, in 2001 alone, an estimated 66,000 children under the age of six were involved in common household chemical-related poisonings or exposures in the United States.
Information for Parents Poison Prevention Information for Parents Children’s bodies, behaviors, and size make them different from and more vulnerable than adults to many environmental health hazards. In proportion to their size, children breathe more air, drink more water, and eat more food than adults. This means that they are potentially at greater risk of exposure to pesticides.
Information for Parents Poison Prevention Information for Parents A child is at greater risk for a number of reasons: Children’s immune systems are less developed and may be less protective than adults’ immune systems. Their cells are more easily damaged because they are not fully developed, and during the rapid growth of childhood, cells divide very quickly, making it more likely that a cellular mutation will be reproduced, and possibly cause cancer. With a long life ahead, any problems will have a greater length of time in which to progress.
Information for Parents Poison Prevention Information for Parents Pesticides may accumulate on floors either because they are applied on surfaces near floors or because they are tracked into the house on shoes. Because children are lower to the ground, their breathing areas may have higher concentrations of pesticides than adult breathing areas. Children’s tendency to put their hands and other objects into their mouth may also put them at higher risk of exposure to pesticides.
Information for Parents Poison Prevention Information for Parents The most common accidental oral exposures occur when pesticides have been removed from their original containers and placed into an unlabeled bottle, jar or food container. The child does not realize until too late that the unmarked container holds a potentially toxic pesticide.
Information for Parents Poison Prevention Information for Parents In addition to the danger of the poison, none of the medical treatments for poisonings is risk-free. Some of the antidotes for poisoning are risky in their own right, and even simple procedures such as pumping a stomach carry a certain level of risk.
Information for Parents Poison Prevention Information for Parents Some of the substances involved in exposures to children under the age of six include: adhesives and glues art and crafts supplies office supplies batteries cleaning substances cosmetics personal care items deodorizers fertilizers paints stripping agents plants pesticides medicines and vitamins polishes and waxes tobacco products
Information for Parents Poison Prevention Information for Parents Because children do not read, understand or pay attention to warning signs on hazardous household chemicals, it is important the adult read and understand the label before purchasing or using any household chemical. When you buy a product that is potentially poisonous, read the label first so you will understand the intended use buy the proper amount know how to store unused portions how to dispose of empty containers.
Information for Parents Poison Prevention Information for Parents Always keep the product in the original container so it is not mistaken for another product, and so you have the label’s first aid information in the event of an accidental poisoning. Store products out the reach of children and get rid on unused or unnecessary household products and unused or expired medicines. Keep the nation-wide poison control center’s number, (800) 222-1222, and your doctor’s phone number beside every phone in your home.