Risk Management NDS Forum June 23rd 2010
We accept certain risks, but we must Know these risks Assess these risks Document the controls in place Review to ensure that the controls- remain relevant and up to date are complied with at all times
What underpins review processes? A management system in place to suit the scope of the organisation with - Clearly documented processes Clearly articulated responsibility & performance indicators Records systems that support the tracking of actions, review mechanisms and reporting
Work Health & Safety Management Systems Policy Planning Implementation Measurement & Evaluation Management Review
Policy Refers to a documented commitment to protect the health, safety and welfare of workers and others at work sites References risk management processes, compliance, consultation and the provision of training and information
Planning States how current legal requirements and relevant practical guidance is known and disseminated through the organisation Sets objectives are targets Documents plans and how progress is monitored Documents how plans are reviewed
Implementation Structure and responsibility Consultation, communication & reporting Documentation, document & data control Health and safety risk management program Hazard identification, risk assessment and control of risks Emergency preparedness and response
Measurement & Evaluation Monitoring and measurement Incident investigation, corrective and preventive action Records and records management Health and safety system audits
Management Review Scheduled reviews of the management system Recommendations for continuous improvement or major changes to the system