MID DAY MEAL SCHEME IN MANIPUR 2019 -20 A video clip of MDM Scheme in Manipur Revised MID DAY MEAL 1.mp4
Average number of children covered against the target during 2018-19 COVERAGE 32963
Status of FOOD GRAINs during 2018-19 as on 31-03-2019 SL. No. Food Grain in MTs. Category Allocation for FY 2018-19 Opening Balance Lifted qty. Utilised qty. Unspent qty. 1 Primary 2111.30 648.90 2478.72 281.49 2 Upper Primary 969.90 187.09 1049.50 107.50 TOTAL 3081.20 835.99 3528.22 388.99
Number of days covered during 2019-20 13.12 days
Payment of Cost of Foodgrains to FCI during 2018-19 Sl.No. Category Bill claimed by FCI (Rs. in Lakh) Quantity (MTs) Amount 1 Primary 2111.300 63.34 2 Up. Pry 969.900 29.10 3 TOTAL 3081.120 92.44 100 % cleared
COVERAGE UNDER RBSK during 2018-19 CATEGORY TARGET ACHIEVEMENT PERCENTAGE Health Check -ups 171169 62993 37% Weekly Iron & Folic Acid Supplementation (WIFS) 139918 81.7% Deworming tablets 166035 97% Health Check up the earlier figure requires amendment from 62993 to 165275 (96.5% )
Proposal for 2019-20
PROJECTED NUMBER OF CHILDREN IN Food grain requirement for 227 days PROPOSAL FOR THE YEAR 2019-20 . SL. NO. PARTICULARS PROJECTED NUMBER OF CHILDREN IN TOTAL PRIMARY UPPER PRIMARY 1 Number of Children 1,17,327 33,506 1,50,833 2 NUMBER OF WORKING DAYS 227 3 Food grain requirement for 227 days 2663.323 MTs 1140.879 MTs 3804.202 MTs 4. NUMBER OF COOK-CUM-HELPER - 7487 nos
Proposal and trends for food grain FY Children Rice in MTs 2013-14 220000 5400.0 2014-15 187672 4554.4 2015-16 188241 4760.2 2016-17 186655 4776.2 2017-18 180688 4549.3 2018-19 155570 3917.2 2019-20 150833 3804.2
Proposals for PAB 2019-20 – Kitchen Sheds Reasons next slide
FY Sanction Completed Incomplete 2010-11 1792 422 1370 2006-07 1174 461 713 NECTAR has agreed to construct the balance of 1st Phase with extra cost escalation if the 2nd phase balance is given MOU extract “….. NECTAR shall complete construction of balance Kitchen shed Unit of the 1st Phase (i.e. Erection of 200 sheds and construction of 513 sheds) without any cost revision/escalation and 1370 units of 2nd Phase within the period agreed between the 2 parties” MOU – 1st Dec, 2016 “…..Approval of Governing Council of NECTAR is due”
MEASURES AND ACHIEVEMENTS Aadhaar Enrolment exercise for all students in all educational establishment within 2019-20 Capacity building of Head Masters/Mistresses is conducted in all districts. Bulk SMS service helps in sorting out issues under the scheme from time to time through direct communication between State and Districts/Schools.
Saturday Social Service
Children enjoying MDM meals
Aadhaar Enrolment Exercise
Thank You