Implementing the “Vision” within ESS


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Presentation transcript:

Implementing the “Vision” within ESS Michel GLAUDE Director “Quality, Methodology and Information Systems” EUROSTAT 19-20 October 2010 IT Directors’ Group Meeting

The Commission Communication 404/2009 “On the production method of EU statistics: a vision for the next decade”. The basic ideas of this vision (August 2009) are: From statistical stove pipes to more integrated statistical production processes; Better integration of the ESS in terms of IT infrastructure, IT tools, data quality, metadata, methodology etc. (both in terms of horizontal and vertical integration); Increased use of administrative data sources in the statistical data production processes; Statistical legislation should be broader and more cross- cutting in covering larger statistical domains. 19-20 October 2010 IT Directors’ Group Meeting

The Joint ESS strategy for the implementation of the Vision (ESSC May 2010) Some Principles Long term perspective and step by step approach Common platform and opportunities for close cooperation should form the basis for a concrete roadmap to be part of the annual and multiannual work programmes Subsidiarity, of course but: “the “engine room” of statistical production, the development of common tools and methodologies seems to be best placed as candidate for sharing the work and for collaboration” 19-20 October 2010 IT Directors’ Group Meeting

The Joint ESS strategy for the implementation of the Vision (ESSC May 2010) The way forward For statistical methods, the first priority would be to identify and design generic processes for producing ESS statistics and to identify best practices. There is also a need to develop harmonised methods for key steps of the new business process (data integration, analysis…), to optimise complex processes and to define specifications for generic IT tools. Current trend in technology suggest that IT is becoming progressively “infrastructural” and generic. This implies that in the near future it can be expected that the ESS will opt for greater standardisation, interoperability and common IT infrastructures and tools rather than “proprietary” solutions. In the area of IT infrastructure and tools development there is a need to design distributed IT architecture and standards for cooperative development, to develop and share IT tools (building blocks and components) and to use the concept of a metadata driven IT architecture as a guiding principle tacking into account the technical and statistical standards and guidelines of SDMX. 19-20 October 2010 IT Directors’ Group Meeting

The Joint ESS strategy for the implementation of the Vision (ESSC May 2010) Instruments New generation of framework regulations standardising statistical business processes Community financial contribution HR, training and “European Master of Official Statistics” Sponsorship on Standardisation Don’t forget that: “Statistical domains should be the drivers and owners of the process” 19-20 October 2010 IT Directors’ Group Meeting

ESP 2013-2017 and WP 2012 DIME and ITDG members reactions General support for the proposals especially for: - CoP update and quality measurement - Supporting a research programme for Official Statistics - Launching the Sponsorship on Standardisation ( - Better use of GSBPM - Extension of SDMX standards and guidelines - Continuation of existing VIPs (Census Hub, EGR, Metadata handler…) and launching of the new ones But concerns about: - Ambition compared to available resources - Heterogeneity of framework conditions and prerequisites in MS - SDMX and DDI - Digital agenda to be made clear - Lack of a VIP on data collection (mix mode, use of administrative sources…) 19-20 October 2010 IT Directors’ Group Meeting

EUROSTAT internal strategy Refocus of the CVD (data life cycle) initiative using - ITMP (IT Master Plan) - CAB (Change Advisory Board) - Quality monitoring (ex-post assessment) Launching VIPs (Vision Infrastructure Projects) on: - Data validation (Dir E) - Exchange of confidential data (Dir B) - Statistical matching (Dir F) - NAPS Extension (for time series) (Dir C) 19-20 October 2010 IT Directors’ Group Meeting

The ESS Strategy Should built on: - The Sponsorship on Standardisation prepared by the Workshop on standardisation (14-15 October) - A better monitoring of ESSnets (by DIME) Nevertheless open issues remain concerning: - How to associate MS to VIPs projects? - How to work with DIME and ITDG (Common expert group)? - How to define a “common platform” and to select opportunities (future VIPs)? 19-20 October 2010 IT Directors’ Group Meeting