Open up your laptops, go to, and do today’s bell work Scale Scale Description 4 Through independent work beyond what was taught in class, I can (examples include, but are not limited to): research current and past earth and sun conditions. investigate causes and possible solutions for global climate change. compare and contrast the patterns in the organization and distribution of matter in the sun, earth, moon system. compare and contrast different solar events and their impact on earth. 3 I can: identify patterns in the organization and distribution of matter in the universe and the forces that determine them. explain the physical properties of the Sun and its dynamic nature and connect them to conditions and events on Earth. identify, analyze, and relate the internal (Earth system) and external (astronomical) conditions that contribute to global climate change. describe heat as the energy transferred by convection, conduction, and radiation, and explain the connection of heat to change in temperature or states of matter. 2 determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other astronomy specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific technical context relevant to grades 9-12 texts and topics identify from a list the patterns of distribution of matter in the sun, earth, moon system. list the physical properties of the sun describe the key parts of the structure of earth and earth’s atmosphere. explain ways in which to measure temperature. 1 show the patterns of distribution of matter in the sun, earth, moon system. select from a list the physical properties of the sun, earth and moon. list the key parts of the structure of earth, sun and moon. Give Mr. Hyatt money
SUN – Top of page. Leave room for answers questions: What is fusion and how is it a factor for the life on earth? What is the sun responsible for in our solar system?
If things are in this color, you need to write them down
The Planets relative to each other
The Planets relative to the sun
The Sun relative to other stars
Where are we? ARE WE THE CENTER OF ANYTHING? The Sun is located on one of the arms of our Milky Way Galaxy ARE WE THE CENTER OF ANYTHING?
Sun & Earth Pick 2 facts to record The Sun’s diameter is 109 times greater than that of Earth Over 1 million Earths would fit inside the Sun’s volume The average distance between the Earth and the Sun is called an Astronomical Unit (AU) - it is about 150 million kilometers It would take 11,780 Earths lined up side to side to bridge the gap between Earth and Sun (or 107 Suns) Image Credit: SOHO/NASA/ESA
2 more… The Sun is an average sized star. It looks very big from earth because it is so close to us! 1.39 Million km in diameter Why do we study the sun? Sun is very important to earth – without its heat and light, we would not be able to survive! Gives us the Seasons Its gravity keeps us, and the other planets, in orbit It is the nearest star to us! We study it to learn about other stars. It provides earth with A LOT of energy! Changes in solar activity or surface features effect our climate, atmosphere, weather & power transmissions!
Does the Sun Move? Sun is “relatively” stationary, at the center of our Solar System The Milky Way revolves as a whole, but relative to earth the sun is stationary! It does rotate around itself. The center latitudes take 25 days to rotate, while areas near the poles take 35 days to rotate. Which goes faster?
MAGNETS WOULD WORK ON THE SUN The sun is surrounded by a large magnetic field, which causes most of the activity and features on the sun. Because of the uneven rotation of the sun, every 11 years the suns magnetic field flips. This means the solar cycle is 22 years, because it takes that long for the magnetic field to flip-flop back to where it began!
On August 1, 2010, almost the entire Earth- facing side of the sun erupted in a tumult of activity. This image from the Solar Dynamics Observatory of the news-making solar event on August 1 shows the C3-class solar flare (white area on upper left), a solar tsunami (wave-like structure, upper right), multiple filaments of magnetism lifting off the stellar surface, large- scale shaking of the solar corona, radio bursts, a coronal mass ejection and more. This multi-wavelength extreme ultraviolet snapshot from the Solar Dynamics Observatory shows the sun's northern hemisphere in mid- eruption. Different colors in the image represent different gas temperatures. As of August 21, Earth's magnetic field was still reverberating from the solar flare impact on August 3, 2010, which sparked aurorae as far south as Wisconsin and Iowa in the United States. Analysts predicted a second solar flare following behind the first flare that could re-energize the fading geomagnetic storm and spark a new round of Northern Lights.
What is our Sun made of? Uses nuclear fusion in its core to generate heat and light to allow itself to resist the crushing weight of its own mass Sun is made of 73% Hydrogen, 25% Helium and 2 % other elements. Those other elements consist of 70 different elements! Some of these elements are….. Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Silicon, Magnesium, Neon, Iron, Sulfur, Uranium
Review… Write down ones you haven’t written before…. The gravitational force of the sun helps to keep all of the planets in the solar system in the correct orbit. The energy from the sun sustains life on earth. The sun contains 98% of all the mass in our solar system The sun is not solid, liquid or gas, it is plasma. Plasma is similar to gas, except the gas is ionized (charged).
Layers of the Sun (Sketch Me) If you don’t know what Convection, Radiation and Conduction are and how they relate to heat, go to this website. (link is on our webpage)
Classwork: Do Now You need to look up the following information about each layer of the sun: Size (km) What’s going on here Temperature One other fact These are the layers: Core Radiation Zone Convection Zone Photosphere Chromosphere Corona
There are a number of websites linked on MrHyatt There are a number of websites linked on There are also links to both textbook’s Sun chapters You WILL have to go to more than one website/textbook