Email: Our Fourth Grade Classroom News The Week of November 7, 2018 Email: Twitter: @Felicia83216650 Website: Our Upcoming Week Reminders November 5-6 Student Holidays November 8 4th grade Veterans Day Performance November 16 Class Spelling Bee December 1 Last Payment Due December 7 School Spelling Bee Social Studies test on Louisiana Purchase will be Wednesday, November 7th. Your student should have a study guide and notes in their journal and folder that they should be studying each night! 4th grade Veterans Day performance is Thursday, November 8 at 6:30. Students should be at school by 6:10. Wear red, white, and blue. Ask your child about our Tiny House Project! Please make sure your student reads at least 25 mins each night and completes their morning work for homework. Our Learning Our Learning Reading/ELA – Main Idea and Summary Writing – Informational Writing Math – Area, Perimeter, Multiplication, Division Social Studies – Westward Expansion Goal Setting: Reading focused – ask your student what progress they’ve made in mastering reading standard RI2 ELAGSERI2: Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details. Write a summary of a text. FIELD TRIP REMINDERS The first payment of $90.00 is due November 1, 2018. (PAST DUE!) Final payment of $90.00 is due December 1, 2018.