Check List and Turning in Assignment Procedures 1.Read the scenario for Successful Adaptations and Unsuccessful Adaptations. 2. Follow the instructions below on how to make a meme. 3.Instruct students to make a meme utilizing theme, characterization, symbolism, imagery, or any other elements of literature involving the aforementioned literary selection you’ve read. Make a meme with PowerPoint. There are actual meme-making apps you can find online. Feel free to find one and make your memes that way. I’ve discovered through trial and error that PowerPoint is the easiest application for making memes. Here’s how. 1. Paste an image onto a PowerPoint slide. 2. Insert a text box over the aforementioned image. 3. If the image takes up the entire slide, press <ctrl> + <a>. 4. If the image does not take up the entire slide, left click the mouse and highlight the area you want to copy. 5. Once your soon to be meme is highlighted, right click your mouse. 6. You’ll see a list of options. The option you want is <save as picture> 7. Save the picture to your preferred location. 8. The picture will automatically save as a png file. If you prefer to save it as a jpeg file, do so when you save it. If you don’t know what any of that means, don’t worry. Check List and Turning in Assignment E-mail the meme to CARAGO02@SISD.NET or bring it in on a flash drive. Picture (25 pts). The picture must be relate to the Scenario you just read. It must be clear and school appropriate. It must show the full item (no cut-off portions unless that’s the artistic intent of the meme) Any image subject to copyright must be cited correctly in a separate document. The Writing (25 pts). The phrase must creatively relate the picture to the Success of Adaptation or Less Successful Adaptation Scenarios. Must answer the question for that Scenario. It must adhere strictly to high standards of language, usage, and grammar. The writing must be easy to read. Example:
Successful Adaptation MEME
How does your MEME relate to the Organism successfully adapting? How does your MEME answer the question to your scenario?
Less Successful Adaptation MEME
How does your MEME explain the less successful adaptation of the organism in your Scenario? How does your MEME answer the question to your scenario?