YO I (refers to myself)
TÚ YOU (a familiar form used to refer to family members of any age or to friends and acquaintances of the same age or younger)
USTED/UD. YOU FORMAL (used for persons in authority & unknown persons that you may meet)
ÉL HE (refers to a male person) (also used to refer to a masculine subject as IT in a sentence)
ELLA SHE (refers to females and a feminine subject as IT in a sentence)
NOSOTROS/NOSOTRAS WE/WE (girls only) (refers to anyone else plus yourself) (used with any subject + Y YO in a sentence)
VOSOTROS/VOSOTROS YOU (familiar plural) NOT USED in the text Seen on the treadmill in the CD-ROM.
USTEDES/UDS. All of YOU (plural). More than one of you. Speaking to more than one person @ the same time. Pablo (any name or names) y tú Ex. Marta y usted (any name or names y usted
ELLOS/ELLAS THEY/THEY (girls only) Any combination of names or subjects that add up to they. Él (or name) y ella (or name)