Gamma Epsilon Boulé Sacramento, CA May 20,2016 Sexual Abuse Prevention Policy Training Interaction Policy with Children and Minor Youth Gamma Epsilon Boulé Sacramento, CA May 20,2016
Overview Background/Purpose Interaction with Youth and Children Policy Who this affects/ Who is required to be trained? Helpful Tips Q&A
Purpose Requirement by the Grand Social Action Mission Policy was adopted by the Grand in 2013 Social Action Mission As part of our social action mission, member Boulé will on occasion interact with children or minor youth to promote academic achievement, civic and social responsibility and encourage them to become exemplary adults who actively contribute to the greater good of society. Grand required each of the 133 member boules to develop and then conduct annual training on its sexual abuse prevention policy relative to the interaction with you in social action programs
Interaction Policy with Children and Minor Youth This interaction policy for children and minor youth (“C/I Policy”) sets forth the strict rules under which youth oriented programs or initiatives sponsored by the Grand Boulé, region Boulés or member Boulés will be conducted
Gamma Epsilon Boulé Policy Adopted May 2015 Requirements Required to review policy annually May 2015 Required by the Grand to review policy yearly Who is required to complete and comply with this training All Archons, volunteers or paid, full-time and part-time employees and contractors, of Gamma Epsilon Boule are expected to comply with the established policy
Objectives Provide policy and procedures Proper preventative measures To increase awareness and equip you with the knowledge to successfully carry out our mission Proper preventative measures To establish proper preventative measures to protect individuals against sexual misconduct as well as to specify courses of action in the case of allegations or an actual incident regarding sexual misconduct. To establish proper preventative measures to protect individuals against sexual misconduct as well as to specify courses of action in the case of allegations or an actual incident regarding sexual misconduct. - You will know what to do if you are in this type of situation
Who is required to Participate? Anyone participating in the social action program or involved in youth activities Gamma Epsilon Boulé Archons Volunteers participating in the social action program Full or part time employees Contractors 1. All Gamma Epsilon Boule Archons, volunteers or paid, full time and part time employees and contractors involved in social action activities involving youth
Standard of Conduct All Archons, volunteers or paid, full-time and part-time employees and contractors, of Gamma Epsilon Boulé are expected to comply with the established policy on Sexual Misconduct as outlined in the Sigma Pi Phi Sexual Abuse & Molestation Guidelines
Prohibition No Archon, paid worker, or volunteer who has ever been convicted of a sexually related crime is eligible to serve in a position having direct contact with children or youth.
Common Supervisory Policies and Procedures Two Adult Rule Teenage Volunteers Suspicious Behavior Minimum of two adults in any setting or activity regarding children Have adults present with teenage volunteers Address suspicious behavior or behavior that may be contrary to the Fraternity policy to the proper authorities.
Reporting Procedures All allegations must be take seriously All allegations should be reported to the Sire Archon or Grammateus immediately upon learning of a potential allegation of sexual misconduct. The Grammateus will report to the Sire Archon immediately if he first receives knowledge of the accusation.