Sensual Tips for Hefty He-Men


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Presentation transcript:

Sensual Tips for Hefty He-Men

Most of the time, sensual tips are written with the average person in mind. But not every person is average, with there being a wide range of variation in everything from age and experience to physical appearance to emotional preparedness to (for men) proper male organ care. It can be helpful, therefore for non-average men and women to seek out sensual tips that can apply specifically for them. For example, for men who tend to be on the hefty side – and especially those genuinely obese – it can pay to explore some sensual tips before one’s first official tryst. With that in mind for our hefty lovers, the following sensual tips may prove enlightening.

Don’t “last minute” things. This is actually one of those sensual tips that applies to everyone. People need to be prepared for coupling, and that preparation can take many forms. For example, it may mean having lubricant on hand in case penetrative sensual activity is explored. Are the bedsheets fresh? Always important, but it may be especially true for hefty men whose size may unfairly cause people to assume they are not always clean. And what about latex protections? Are they there? Do they fit? If a guy is hefty all over, he may need a latex protection for a manhood of extra girth. Taking care of these kinds of issues can help smooth things over for the coupling itself.

Employ pillows. When a man is especially hefty, he may find he needs to contort his body in a few different ways in order for equipment to reach its target. It can often help to have several pillows here, to place under his partner’s rear or to raise his own midsection up, depending on the position. Be aware of burial space. Men who are especially hefty may find that some portion of their member is “buried” in the fat pad surrounding the manhood. If on a lie-on-the-back position in which their hands are free, they may want to push some of the fat away from the base of the member to allow more of it to appear and be used for penetrating.

Experiment with positions. Sometimes all that a really hefty couple needs is a well-placed pillow to allow them to have great coupling in a traditional missionary position. If contemplating posterior penetrative coupling, suggest the receiving partner bend over a couch, resting their body along the arm. This will allow them to support their weight while allowing for easier posterior penetration. Reverse cowgirl is also a great position for female organ penetration – with the man lying on his back and the women straddling the manhood facing away from him, the man’s belly can be rearranged out of the way with greater ease. Couples may also want to consider having sensual activity in a sling, the flexibility of which can make it much easier for the man’s overhanging belly to be accommodated. The same can be said for those who have a high bed. If the woman is on her back on the edge of the bed, the man can kneel and place her legs on his shoulders. This again allows more freedom for maneuvering the hefty belly about.

Work out. Because a hefty man has much more weight to support, he needs to strengthen those body parts, such as the arms, which often support that weight during coupling. Last of our sensual tips for hefty men or indeed men of any weight class: regularly apply a top-notch male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to the member. A wide range of vitamins can be beneficial, so find a crème with vitamins A, B5, C, D, and E. And it also helps if the crème contains L-arginine, an ingredient that plays a role in allowing male organ blood vessels to more easily expand for greater blood flow.Man 1 Man Oil