How your brain works
Parts of Your Brain Prefrontal cortex Amygdala Hippocampus
Parts of brain explained Prefrontal Cortex Prefrontal cortex: judging, analysis, organization, empathy, self-awareness. Still developing in teenagers Amygdala: monitors the emotions. Decides where to send information based on emotions. Stressed = reactive brain Hippocampus: connections between prior learning and new information. Preps new piece of information for long-term memory storage. Amygdala Hippocampus
Neurons: nerve cells in the brain that transmit information and are connected to each other by synapses. Neuroplasticity: The brain is capable of growth, developing new connections and pathways from experiences and teachings.
What affects brain growth and development Lack of challenge or enrichment slows and stunts growth High stress/toxic stress sets the brain to always be in the survival state which interferes with memory and learning Depression Malnutrition
How the brain stores memories Dual-process theory Encoding: how information is learned and then stored into memory (how something: looks, sounds, feels. And what something means.) Storage: short-term: 15-30 seconds long-term memory: through repetition, practice, and connection to patterns and experiences Retrieval: process of accessing stored information. Short-term (order it was stored) long-term (association retrieval from connections to patterns and experiences.) How the brain stores memories
How to help the brain grow and learn. Memory is made through practice and repetitions Patterns and making connections between new information and past experience or knowledge is key for long-term memory storage Chunk what you are learning into smaller pieces and study them in small chunks of time, every day, over several weeks and months Practice and review is critical to memory! How to help the brain grow and learn.
Read the Article: You Can Grow Your Intelligence How does growth mindset relate to the brain?