Required Appointment Timelines Routine/Negative Findings The required timeline for patient contact and encounter is dictated by Critical, Priority, Routine, Negative, and Incomplete findings on the DRHA. Critical Finding Within 1 duty day of the “Created” date a health care provider will contact the member to determine if urgent or immediate care is required. Within 3 duty days of the “Created” date, a person-to-person (face-to-face for DRHA’s 1 and 2) encounter will be conducted with a trained health care provider. Priority Finding Within 7 calendar days of the “Created” date, a person-to-person (face-to-face for DRHAs 1 and 2) encounter will be conducted with a trained health care provider. Routine/Negative Findings Within 30 calendar days of the “Created” date, a person-to-person (face-to-face for DRHAs 1 and 2) encounter will be conducted with a trained health care provider. Incomplete DRHAs Incomplete forms require an appointment at the MTF in 7 days. If you are unable to complete the forms in one session, you can return to My IMR and continue. Click “Edit” to continue the form or “Delete” to start over. Post-Deployment Resources For information about common deployment health concerns, self-assessments, and self-help Deployment Health Helping Identify Health Care Needs Related to Deployment Questions about DRHAs? Contact your Unit Deployment Manager (UDM) for help with your installation’s DRHA process or the MTF Contacts below: Developed by the Deployment-Related Health Assessments Program Office (DRHA). For more information, go to Published by AFMSA/SG3PM 10042018 Version 1
DRHAs 1-5 Timeline Within 120 Days Before Deploying DRHA 1 Pre-Deployment Health Assessment DD Form 2795 Within 30 Days Before Leaving Theater DRHA 2* Post-Deployment Health Assessment DD Form 2796 *DRHA 2 should be completed/closed in the deployed location 90-180 Days After Return DRHA 3 Post-Deployment Health Reassessment DD Form 2900 181-545 Days After Return DRHA 4 Deployment Mental Health Assessment DD Form 2978 Completed with the Annual DoD PHA 546-910 Days After Return DRHA 5 Completing the DRHA Process Complete the online DRHA questionnaire at (CAC required) 2. Complete the provider portion of assessment. The encounter should occur in a private setting. Note: You must complete both the online MHA and the provider interview to meet the DRHA requirement. DRHAs 1 and 2 Require a face-to-face encounter with a military medical provider at the MTF. Please contact the MTF for instructions on how to schedule your DRHAs 1 and 2 encounter portion of assessment. DRHA 3, 4 and 5 Require a person-to-person encounter with a military medical provider. DRHAs 4 and 5 DRHAs 4 and 5 will be accomplished with the annual Preventive Health Assessment Questionnaire (PHAQ) Mental Health Assessment (MHA) portion. The PHAQ will remain open until signed off by a military medical provider. If the DRHA is initiated prior to the PHAQ, both the DRHA and PHAQ process will need to be completed. The purpose of the Deployment-Related Health Assessment (DRHA) Program is to identify and address your health care needs related to deployment. DRHAs assist with the early identification and management of deployment-related health concerns and conditions that may surface in the months before or the months to years after deployment DRHAs are a vital component of the Air Force’s ability to provide effective care and treatment for members with deployment-related health concerns Your role is critical — you are responsible for completing the DRHA Process. Make sure your contact information is up to date in vMPF.