Week 10 Drafting 1309: Basic CAD Andrew Amini Professor Drafting and Design Engineering Technology, HCC
QUIZ Quiz: April 6, 2015
Drawing Commands DTEXT Command: DTEXT, Enter in the text height Specify the starting point of text or [Justify/Style]: Enter in the desired option or pick the starting point of the text Specify Height <0.20>: Enter in the text height or press enter to accept the default text height Specify the Rotation angle of text <0>: Enter in the rotation angle or press Enter to accept the default
Drawing Commands MTEXT-allows you to enter several lines of text at once and Display the text on the screen as you type. Command: MTEXT Current text style: Standard Text height: 0.200 Specify first corner: Pick a point to form a specified width but can extend vertical length indefinitely Specify opposite corner or [Height/Justify/Line Spacing/Rotation/ Style/Width]: Move the cursor to form a window and left click to Finish.
Dimensioning Commands LEADER/QLEADER-Creates a line that connects annotation to a feature. Inserts an annotation at the end of the leader line. The annotation can be single or multiple lines of text, a feature control frame containing geometric tolerances, or a block
Editing Commands CHANGE-Lets you modify existing entities and their properties. You can change line, color, arc, circle, and text. You can also alter the thickness, elevation, polylines, and line type. Command: CHANGE Select object: Select object to be changed. Specify change point or [Properties]: Enter P for Properties Enter property to change (Color/Elev/Layer/Ltype/ltScale/Weight/Thickness/Material) Enter the text insertion point Enter the block insertion point New height, New Rotation Angle, Next Text
Editing Commands DDEDIT-Edits single-line text, dimension text, attribute definitions, and feature control frames
Editing Commands FIND-Finds the text that you specify, and can optionally replace it with other text SPELL-Checks spelling in a drawing. When the SPELL command is started, the Check Spelling dialog box is displayed. Select the Start button to begin the spelling check.If Check Spelling is set to Entire Drawing, spelling is checked in first in Model space and then in paper space on each layout. Misspelled words are highlighted and the drawing zooms to that word. NoteSpelling is not checked for invisible text, text on hidden layers, hidden block attributes, non-uniformly scaled blocks, and objects that do not use the supported annotation scale.
Dimension Variables Dimcen-Controls drawing of circle or arc center marks and centerlines by the DIMCENTER, DIMDIAMETER, and DIMRADIUS commands. The absolute value specifies the size of the center mark or centerline. The size of the centerline is the length of the centerline segment that extends outside the circle or arc. It is also the size of the gap between the center mark and the start of the centerline. The size of the center mark is the distance from the center of the circle or arc to the end of the center mark. No center marks or lines are drawn <0 Centerlines are drawn >0 Center marks are drawn
Dimension Variables Dimexe- Specifies how far to extend the extension line beyond the dimension line. Dimexo-Specifies how far extension lines are offset from origin points. With fixed-length extension lines, this value determines the minimum offset.
Dimension Variables Dimgap- Sets the distance around the dimension text when the dimension line breaks to accommodate dimension text. Also sets the gap between annotation and a hook line created with the LEADER command. If you enter a negative value, DIMGAP places a box around the dimension text. The value of DIMGAP is also used as the minimum length of each segment of the dimension line. To locate the components of a linear dimension within the extension lines, enough space must be available for both arrowheads (2 x DIMASZ), both dimension line segments (2 x DIMGAP), a gap on either side of the dimension text (another 2 x DIMGAP), and the length of the dimension text, which depends on its size and number of decimal places displayed. Dimscale
Dimension Variables Dimscale-Sets the overall scale factor applied to dimensioning variables that specify sizes, distances, or offsets. 0.0 A reasonable default value is computed based on the scaling between the current model space viewport and paper space. If you are in paper space or model space and not using the paper space feature, the scale factor is 1.0. >0 A scale factor is computed that leads text sizes, arrowhead sizes, and other scaled distances to plot at their face values.
Dimension Variables Dimlfac-Sets a scale factor for linear dimension measurements. All linear dimension distances, including radii, diameters, and coordinates, are multiplied by DIMLFAC before being converted to dimension text. Positive values of DIMLFAC are applied to dimensions in both model space and paper space; negative values are applied to paper space only. DIMLFAC applies primarily to nonassociative dimensions (DIMASSOC set 0 or 1). For nonassociative dimensions in paper space, DIMLFAC must be set individually for each layout viewport to accommodate viewport scaling. DIMLFAC has no effect on angular dimensions, and is not applied to the values held in DIMRND, DIMTM, or DIMTP. Dimrnd
Dimension Variables Dimrnd- Rounds all dimensioning distances to the specified value. For instance, if DIMRND is set to 0.25, all distances round to the nearest 0.25 unit. If you set DIMRND to 1.0, all distances round to the nearest integer. Note that the number of digits edited after the decimal point depends on the precision set by DIMDEC. DIMRND does not apply to angular dimensions