Leverage effect of PAFs : experience from CAP integration


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Presentation transcript:

Leverage effect of PAFs : experience from CAP integration NADEG, 04/12/2017

Key steps in CAP 14-20 adoption -Nov 2010 : CAP Communication (public goods, greening, top up natura) 1 year of AGRI-ENV dicussion on legal proposals -Nov 2011 : CAP Legal Proposals (30% greening) 2 years of codecision (decrease of env ambition of greening, ESPG replaces GAEC on wetland peatland, min 30 % for RD -Dec 2013 : CAP adoption. In paralle, negotiations on partnership agreements took place in 2012-2013. First RDP drafted, often before PAF existence

Visibility of PAFs/N2K in RD regulation: BASIC ACT 1305/2013 -Art 5 : Priority 4 ' focus area 4A : restoring, preserving and enhancing biodiversity, including in Natura 2000 areas, (…); -Art 8 strategy :each RDP shall include (…) an appropriate approach towards the environment, including the specific needs of Natura 2000 areas -Art 17 d (investments) : non -productive investments linked to (…) biodiversity conservation status of species and habitat as well as enhancing the public amenity value of a Natura 2000 area -Article 20 (basic services) : support shall cover (…) the drawing up and updating of protection and management plans relating to Natura 2000 sites -Article 30 (Natura 2000 payment) IMPLEMENTING ACT 808/2014 -Annex I : SWOT include specific needs of Natura 2000 according to the PAFs -Annex IV : indicators C34 (Natura 2000 areas), C36 (Conservation Status of Agricultural habitats)

Linking RDPs sections with PAFs sections RDP section PAF section 4-SWOT A3- main land use, B-status of habitats and species, C.2 Progress on management plan 5-STRATEGY D1-current experience of EAFRD, F-Strategic conservation priorities 8-MEASURES SELECTED G-description of key measures 10-FINANCING PLAN E-Current Estimate of financial needs 11-INDICATOR PLAN ? 12-ADDITIONAL NATIONAL FINANCING 14-COMPLEMENTARITY WITH LIFE

Overview of the process of Natura 2000 integration during the RDP approval (May 14-Dec 16) -RDP 1st submission stage : For most programmes, very low quality or often incomplete programmes, PAF needs poorly reflected or PAF not mentioned. But good examples. -Commission observation stage : substantial comments from Dg ENV sent : request to complete state of nature, N2K priorities, funding gaps and inbalances in comparison to PAFs, list of measure needed that mirror PAF -Negotiation stage : opportunity to discuss gaps in billateral meetings, active role of nature unit +AGRI, legal basis art 8 help in comparison to other env priorities (biodiversity, soil) -RDP submission stage before adoption : consistence with PAF was a key elements for ENV positive opinion. -Remaining issues after adoption : for RDP modifications, action 9 of Nature action plan.

Overview of the results of PAF integration after RDP approval

Lessons learned for the future -PAFs to be ready in advance of RDPs preparation -PAFs need to identify priorities and funding needs which are specific to the AGRI fund -Most important is the list of needs for agrienvironmental measures, for species and habitats which are agriculture related -targets (area and money) are crucial to give arguments tp evaluate the effort of the RDP to fund Natura, to rebalance the RDPs between N2K measures/light green measures/NCAs -CAP legal texts should include clear obligations for RDPs to reflect the PAFs needs -Solutions to find for discrepancy : national PAFs vs regional RDPs

Opportunities for Natura 2000 in CAP communication -A modernised CAP should enhance its EU added value by reflecting a higher level of environmental and climate ambition. -The new CAP should focus more on results -Policy Coherence =contributing to the achievement of EU environmental objectives= Nature objectives -Natura 2000 Planning tools (PAFS and management plans listed and to be taken into account ) -"the one size fit all" approach is removed to ensure a clear environmental link for actions taken -Specific measures exploration : conservation of permanent pastures, maintenance and creation of landscape features, collective schemes aimed at biodiversity -Definition of innovation caters for nature based solutions -The Commission approves CAP Strategic Plans More info https://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/sites/agriculture/files/future-of-cap/future_of_food_and_farming_communication_en.pdf

Thank you for your attention !