U.S. Involvement and Escalation Ms. Ha Chapter 22 Section 2 U.S. Involvement and Escalation
I. U.S. involvement grows A. 1964 election=Johnson 1.Beat: Barry Goldwater 2.Johnson-Vietnam stay out a)1965 b)Thousands of U.S. troops c) Arrive in S. Vietnam
Johnson’s Advisors Secretary of Defense: Robert McNamara Secretary of State: Dean Rusk
B. Public Support 1. Favored President Johnson 2. Stop spread of communism! a) Poll in 1965: 61% in favor b) Opposed by: 24%
C. End of 1965 1. 180,000 U.S. troops 2. American commander in Vietnam a) General William Westmoreland b) Felt ARVN: ineffective c) Troops: had to be aggressive d) By 1967: 500,000 U.S. troops
General William Westmoreland
II. Jungle Fighting
A. Elusive Enemy 1. Vietcong: lacked advanced weapons 2. Guerilla Warfare a)No “safe” area b)Attacked in cities & country
3. U.S. soldiers faced a) Heat b) Leeches c) Mines d) Booby traps of many horrible types “tiger trap”
4. “Which way did the VC go?” a) Used underground tunnel network b) Very extensive: live underground
Touring the Tunnels
Entrance / Exit
TIGER TRAP Deadly VC Weapon
Tiger Trap Not for Tigers U.S. Soldiers Impaled when they fell through Tiger Trap Not for Tigers
B. U.S. Strategy: Attrition 1. Gradual wearing down of enemy 2. VC didn’t give up & they had help a) Support from China b) Support from Soviet Union
C. “Win hearts and minds” S.V. 1. Napalm: gasoline base, fire 2. Agent Orange: leaf toxin a) Cancer connection b) Vietnamese and U.S. soldiers
D. “Search-and-destroy” missions 1. Uproot civilians 2. Destroy villages and livestock 3. 1967: 3 million refugees 4. Didn’t gain many “fans”
E. U.S. troop morale low 1. Rise in use of alcohol, marijuana & other drugs 2. Cope with horrible conditions & death
III. Public support wavers A. Dragged on, support dropped 1. Economy suffered- money going to war 2. Inflation rose 3. Domestic Reform: suffer
B. “Living-Room” War: 1. Television (media) 2. Combat footage on nightly news 3. 1961-1967: 16,000 U.S. soldiers died 4. Credibility Gap: Johnson administration reports & what was really happening in Vietnam 5. “Two different realities”