2019 Commodore Perry Parent Meeting Principal: Dan Ledeber Girls Athletic Director: Stacy Payne Boys Athletic Director: Terry Shernisky
Welcome & Introduction Stacy Payne: 724-355-7913 spayne@cppanthers.org athletics@cppanthers.org Terry Shernisky: 724-301-3110 tshernisky@cppanthers.com athletics@cppanthers.org
Parents Roles and Responsibilities Reinforce being a good sport Have realistic expectations Support the coach/DON’T try to coach your child Keep it fun Push child to follow through with commitments, work hard, and be a good person Remain calm and composed during games Have child play for their reasons, not yours Make love and support unconditional, not contingent on performance SUPPORT, SUPPORT, SUPPORT
Ways to Support your Athlete Attend events Ensure your athlete is on-time for games and practices and picked up promptly Maintain good sportsmanship and keep comments positive at all times DO NOT INTERACT/SOCIALIZE WITH REFEREES Keep comments directed toward CP Panthers and not opponents or opposing fans
Student Eligibility & Attendance All students are required to be in school by 2nd period and remain for the rest of the day in order to participate in the evening’s events unless a doctor’s excuse is received Student conduct in school may affect playing time/eligibility to play Per PIAA, any student failing 2 or more subjects will not be eligible to participate in any sports for that week. Eligibility will be sent out by 3:00 pm on Monday morning each week. Unexcused missing of more than 3 scheduled practices or games should result in a reduction of playing time or suspension. A repeat offense (of 3 additional misses) will result in removal from the team.
Communication with Coaches In season, no parent should discuss playing time, coaching tactics, etc. with the coach Things parents may discuss with coaches: Medical concerns Fundraising Attendance Suggestions for Improvement Behavior/Attitude of Own Child Things parents may not discuss with coach: Playing time Scheme/Coaching Tactics Other Athletes
Communication with Coaches (cont.) Any violations of this policy will be reported to the administration where it will be handled accordingly. Any concerns regarding the issues that are not to be addressed with the coaches should be directed to the administration
Earn Sportsmanship Award Increase School Spirit FILL THE STANDS! GOALS FOR 19/20 SEASON NO Ejections NO Red/Yellow Cards No Technicals Earn Sportsmanship Award Increase School Spirit FILL THE STANDS!
Meet The Panthers Thursday August 29th 6:30 PM Commodore Perry High School Gym Bonfire to Follow!