Welcome Annual Parish Meeting 2019 HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL Annual Parish Meeting 2019 Welcome
AGENDA Annual Parish Meeting HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL Annual Parish Meeting 7.30 pm Tuesday 21 May 2019 AGENDA Introduction by the Chairman Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 22 May 2018 Annual Report of the Council (Stephen Hand - Chairman of Council) Financial Report of the Council (Stephen Hoyles - Clerk to the Council) Court Bushes Community Hub Hurstpierpoint and Sayers Common Community Initiatives Hurst Meadows Village Centre trustee Open forum for the public Closing remarks by the Chairman
Welcome 1. Welcome and Introduction Chairman of the Council HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL Annual Parish Meeting 2019 Welcome 1. Welcome and Introduction Chairman of the Council
2. Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL Annual Parish Meeting 2. Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting 22 May 2018
3. Annual Report of the Council HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL Annual Parish Meeting 3. Annual Report of the Council 2018 – 2019 in brief Replacing all of the 137 street lights that we own with more energy efficient ones, Establishing the Hurst Meadows parkland areas as a valuable parish amenity ‘Gateways’ around Hurstpierpoint and Sayers Common Partnership with MSDC to redevelop Court Bushes Community Hub Developing a Community Highway Scheme to manage traffic speeds and parking in Cuckfield Road Supporting Community initiatives in Hurstpierpoint and Sayers Common Council changes 2019 Parish Staff Matters
Financial Report of the Council HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL Annual Parish Meeting Financial Report of the Council (Stephen Hoyles - The Clerk to the Council)
Audited Accounts for the Year to 31 March 2018 Income: HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL Audited Accounts for the Year to 31 March 2018 Income: Council Tax £ 193,736 Hurst Meadows s106 £ 187,101 Other £ 57,157 TOTAL £ 437,994 Expenditure: Streetlights £ 42,018 Hurst Meadows £ 14,955 Payroll £ 120,094 Other £ 189.950 TOTAL £ 366,917 Surplus £ 71,078 Funds: held at 31 March 2018 £ 239,912
Accounts for the Year to 31 March 2019 ACTUAL BUDGET 2018 Income: HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL Accounts for the Year to 31 March 2019 ACTUAL BUDGET 2018 Income: Precept £ 202,602 £ 202,602 £ 193,736 Other £ 34,483 £ 45,706 £ 57,157 Hurst Meadows (S106) £ 73,800 £ 83,000 £ 187,101 TOTAL £ 310,885 £ 332,397 £ 437,994 Expenditure: Revenue £ 233,354 £ 246,195 £ 247,173 Capital projects £ 59,449 £ 117,600 £ 64,744 CCLA invest £ 0 £ 0 £ 55,000 TOTAL £ 292,803 £ 363,795 £ 366,917 Surplus (Deficit): £ 18,081 (£ 34,538) £ 71,078 Funds: held at 31 March £ 257,994 £ 205,374 £ 239,912
HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL BUDGET for the Year to 31 March 2020 (2019 actuals in brackets) Income: Precept £ 218,788 (£202,602) Other £ 58,345 (£ 34,483 ) S106 funds £ 106,615 (£73,800 ) TOTAL £ 383,748 (£ 310,885) Expenditure: ITEMS: Revenue £ 277,133 (£ 233,354 ) Operations, Court Bushes Capital projects £ 91,700 (£ 59,449 ) Court Bushes, Hurst Meadows TOTAL £ 368,833 (£ 292,803) Surplus: £ 14,915 (£ 18,081) Funds: 31 March 2018 £ 272,909 ( £ 257,994)
5. Court Bushes Community Hub HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL 5. Court Bushes Community Hub
Court Bushes Community Hub HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL Court Bushes Community Hub Partner with MSDC (incl Stakeholders) Multi-use space for use by local people Melting Pot Café Dementia Café Youth Club Food bank Nursery
Lease signed - Now Opening Website: hurstpierpointvillagehalls.org HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL Court Bushes Community Hub Lease signed - Now Opening Website: hurstpierpointvillagehalls.org OPEN DAY - Saturday 1 June 2019 Court Bushes Hub Advisory Group
6. Community Initiatives HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL 6. Community Initiatives Grant support to community organisations (Hurst Players, St Lawrence Fair, Hurst Festival) Grant to Sayers Common Village Society for tree planting Health & wellbeing – new NHS local plan, ante-natal care, walkabouts, grants to charities (St Catherines, Cancervive, Victim Support, etc) ‘Dementia Awareness’ Initiative Working Group on Sayers Common Reeds Lane play area Working Group on Cycle Path network
50 acres Meadow and Ancient woodland all now owned by Parish Council HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL PARKLAND 50 acres Meadow and Ancient woodland all now owned by Parish Council
Preparatory works completed Apple orchard Woodland areas Walkabouts HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL PARKLAND Advisory Board Preparatory works completed Apple orchard Woodland areas Walkabouts
8. Village Centre trustee HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL 8. Village Centre trustee Charitable trust Request from trustees in 2018 Parish Council as ‘sole trustee’ - no change in service New website: hurstpierpointvillagehalls.org
Time for your questions? HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL Annual Parish Meeting 9. Open forum for the public Time for your questions?
10. Closing remarks by the Chairman HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL Annual Parish Meeting 10. Closing remarks by the Chairman
Thank you for coming Annual Parish Meeting 2019 HURSTPIERPOINT & SAYERS COMMON PARISH COUNCIL Annual Parish Meeting 2019 Thank you for coming