Implementing the Single Window through the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE)
What is the Single Window?
ACE - The IT Foundation for the Single Window ACE will automate trade processing and data collection for 47 federal agencies National Export Initiative Single Window Security and Safety One U.S. Government at the Border U.S. Economic Competitiveness Global Supply Chain Strategy Automated Commercial Environment Enhances agency enforcement missions through trade targeting and risk segmentation Increased USDA food seizures 30-fold Automated processes saving CBP $46M/year Reduces U.S. supply chain transaction costs 33% faster truck processing Up to 76% duties/fees paid interest free via ACE Streamlines interagency processing through collaboration and less paperwork Eight agencies receiving automated data via ACE Strengthens the global supply chain to protect U.S. interests and enhance prosperity Pre-arrival data linked and available in ACE Supports U.S. manufacturing growth by facilitating exports Participating ocean carriers saving $900K/year in reduced courier costs
Opportunities from The Single Window Single Window benefits Data available to agencies more quickly, allowing for better identification of dangerous or prohibited shipments Automated PGA interactions reduce paper and enable near-real time decision making by Government authorities Makes it easier for industry to comply with government regulations Reduced costs for Government and industry Three enablers provide the means for PGA participation in ACE: Partner Government Agency (PGA) Message Set - Single, harmonized data set to be collected electronically from industry by CBP on behalf of PGAs Interoperability Web Service (IWS) - Pipeline to transfer data between CBP and PGAs Document Image System (DIS) – Mechanism for industry to supply electronic documents needed during the cargo import and export processes
Single Window Support and Oversight Executive Order signed February 19, 2014 – Streamlining the Export/Import Process for America’s Businesses Directs 47 U.S. federal agencies with a role in trade to complete development of an electronic “Single Window” by December 2016. Border Interagency Executive Council (BIEC) expanding scope to all agencies with a border interest. National Security Staff plans to hold quarterly Interagency Policy Committee meetings to review Executive Order progress. The ITDS Board of Directors continues to provide executive leadership and direction and work with PGAs on automation. The ACE Executive Steering Committee, comprised of DHS and CBP executives, provides governance, oversight, and guidance to the ACE Program to ensure successful development and operation.
Mandatory Dates for ACE The following mandatory ACE participation dates pertain to the trade community. May 1, 2015: Mandatory use of ACE for all electronic manifest filing – Electronic export and import cargo manifest functionality related to all modes of transportation will be implemented in ACE November 1, 2015: Mandatory use of ACE for all electronic cargo release and related entry summary filing - All data associated with the release of imported cargo from the government’s custody, including data related to PGA interactions and their associated entry summaries must be transmitted by the trade via ACE. October 1, 2016: Mandatory use of ACE for all remaining electronic portions of the CBP cargo process – All electronic trade processing must be done via ACE. This includes processes such as Drawback and Protest. In order to achieve these dates, PGAs must determine when their supporting data processing systems and business processes must be changed.
PGA Integration Status
PGA Integration Process
Single Window Implementation Plan Phase 1 (BY APRIL 30, 2014): Initial capability (to be further defined/detailed in agencies’ specific plans). Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) GREEN Customs and Border Protection (CBP) GREEN Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) GREEN Census Bureau (Census) GREEN Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) GREEN Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) GREEN Federal Communications Commission (FCC) GREEN Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) GREEN Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) GREEN Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) GREEN Phase 2: Expanded import and export capability (to be further defined/detailed in agencies’ specific plans). July 4, 2015 Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) Animal Plant and Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) Enforcement and Compliance (E&C) Food and Agricultural Service (FAS) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) National Highway Traffic Safety Admin. (NHTSA) National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Office of Textiles and Apparel (OTEXA) Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) July 1, 2016 All remaining U.S. Government entities that require submissions for the importation and exportation of cargo. Phase 3 (BY DECEMBER 31, 2016): Full import and export capability. The U.S. Government shall use the ITDS as the primary means of receiving from users the standard set of electronic data and other relevant documentation required for the release of imported cargo and clearance of cargo for export.