Presentation Title (optional) Name of the speaker Organisation type of organisation (SME, research centre, university, industry, consultant, public institution, …), Country Contact details
Topics that we are interested in* Earth observation DT-SPACE-01-EO-2018-2020: Copernicus market uptake LC-SPACE-04-EO-2019-2020: Copernicus evolution – Research activities in support of cross-cutting applications between Copernicus service LC-SPACE-24-EO-2020: Copernicus evolution - Mission exploitation concepts Artificial Intelligence and Space DT-SPACE-25-EO-2020: Big data technologies and Artificial Intelligence for Copernicus SPACE-27-TEC-2020: SRC - Space robotics technologies Space business, entrepreneurship, outreach and education DT-SPACE-26-BIZ-2020: Space hubs (support to start-ups) Space technologies, science and exploration SPACE-10-TEC-2018-2020: Technologies for European non-dependence and competitiveness SPACE-28-TEC-2020: SRC - In space electrical propulsion and station keeping SPACE-29-TEC-2020: Satellite communication technologies SPACE-30-SCI-2020: Scientific data exploitation Secure and safe space environment U-SPACE-21-SEC-2020: Space traffic management SU-SPACE-23-SEC-2020: Advanced research in Near Earth Objects (NEOs) and new payload technologies for planetary defence EGNSS market uptake 2020 LC-SPACE-EGNSS-1-2019-2020: EGNSS applications fostering green, safe and smart mobility DT-SPACE-EGNSS-2-2019-2020: EGNSS applications fostering digitisation SU-SPACE-EGNSS-3-2019-2020: EGNSS applications fostering societal resilience and protecting the environment SPACE-EGNSS-5-2020: EGNSS applications for public authorities' pilot Other actions ESA Engineering Support InnovFin Space Equity Pilot (ISEP) In-orbit demonstration/validation – launch services Space surveillance and tracking (SST) Improving the Performances of the SST at European Level Galileo Evolution, Mission and Service related R&D activities EGNOS, Mission and Service related R&D activities GNSS evolution, infrastructure-related R&D activities *Please chose the topics you are interested or in which will prepare a proposal from the list, erase the others, add other topics if necessary, adapt the letter size adequately and please delete this comment NKS Raumfahrt, Dr. Adrian klein
Presentation of the organisation / project idea* Topic/title of project idea (if any) Structure of the organisation List of competencies (highlights) Reference projects (e.g. Experience with the EU Framework Programme / ESA) Looking for project partners who can …# MAX 5 slides and MAX 5 minutes # You may add for which kind of cooperation partners with which competencies you are looking for * You may use more than one slide for the presentation of your organisation / project idea (mind the time limit) NKS Raumfahrt, Dr. Adrian klein