Question Formulation Activity: Free speech
Warm-Up: 1. Activate your background knowledge of Free Speech. 2. Write down everything you know already about the topic.
Step 1) Produce Questions: Take some time, silently by yourself, to write down as many questions as you can about the image. Some guidelines for good questions are: · Ask as many questions as you can! There is no such thing as too many questions · Do not stop to discuss, judge or answer the questions · If you have a statement, change it to a question
Step 2) Share Questions: As we share questions in the class we will be build a web around our prompt. As you also write these down, make sure you write them exactly as they are stated.
Step 3) Identify Questions: In this step, we will identify whether questions are closed or open. Mark closed questions with a “c” and open ended questions with an “o”
Step 4) Name the value: Take a moment to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of Open and Closed ended questions. Make a T-Chart to record your findings.
Step 5) Improve Questions: Is there a close ended questions that would be better stated as open ended? Is there an open ended questions that should be closed? Rewrite those questions now.
Step 6) Prioritize Questions: Identify the questions that you feel are the most important. Highlight/underline them.
Reflection: Take a moment to consider how you will use these questions throughout class and throughout your learning. Each table will share one question. Table one will share – class discussion. Table two – class discussion. So on and so forth. Class will participate in a class discussion (free v. hate speech).
Close class with article: