Jesus and Elisha (“Salvation of God”) John 2:1-11 transformation 2 Kings 2:19-22 Jn 4:46-54 sick boy healed 2 Kg 4:32-37 Jn 6:4-14 food multiplied 2 Kg 4:42-44 Jn 5:2-9 controversial sign 2 Kg 5:1-14 involving water Jn 9:1-7 blind healed 2 Kg 6:16-17 Jn 9:39-41 others blinded 2 Kg 6:18 Jn 11:1-44 raising the dead 2 Kg 13:20-21 Jn 6:19 levitation 2 Kg 6:4-7
Signs in Gospel of John Eternal Jesus 1:1-18 Transformation 2:1-11 Death to life 4:46-54 Healing lame man at pool 5:1-9 Feeding the 5000 6:1-15 Healing blind man at pool 9:1-7 Death to life 11:1-44 Transformation 20:1-18 Eternal Jesus 20:19-21:25 TIME & SPACE
Time in the Gospel of John Transformation (water to wine) 2:1-11 Passover 2:13 Death to life (saving nobleman’s son from death) 4:46-54 a feast of the Jews 5:1 Healing lame man at pool 5:1-9 Passover 6:4 Feeding the 5000 & miraculous sea crossing 6:1-21 Tabernacles 7:2 Healing blind man at pool 9:1-7 Dedication 10:22 Death to life (raising Lazarus from death) 11:1-44 Passover 13:1, 19:42 Transformation (resurrection) 20:1-18
Moses and Jesus in Gospel of John 1:17 Moses and Jesus are paralleled 1:45 Moses foresaw Christ 5:36-47 3:14-16 Bronze serpent type of crucifixion 12:31-33 6:14-15; 26-35 Moses foreshadows Christ: Prophet, lawgiver, provider, miraculous sea crossing 7:14-24 respect for Moses = respect for Jesus 9:28-29 failure of Moses’ “disciples”; success of Jesus’ disciples 9:35-41; 20:24-29
Moses and Jesus in Gospel of John 1:17 Moses and Jesus are paralleled 1:45 Moses foresaw Christ 5:36-47 3:14-16 Bronze serpent type of crucifixion 12:31-33 6:14-15; 26-35 Moses foreshadows Christ: Prophet, lawgiver, provider, miraculous sea crossing 7:14-24 respect for Moses = respect for Jesus 9:28-29 failure of Moses’ “disciples”; success of Jesus’ disciples 9:35-41; 20:24-29 BELIEVE