Thirty-day crude mortality (%) and adjusted weekend admission ORs (±95% CI): effect of non-availability of NEWS, increasing NEWS band and ICU transfer.


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Presentation transcript:

Thirty-day crude mortality (%) and adjusted weekend admission ORs (±95% CI): effect of non-availability of NEWS, increasing NEWS band and ICU transfer within 24 hours. Thirty-day crude mortality (%) and adjusted weekend admission ORs (±95% CI): effect of non-availability of NEWS, increasing NEWS band and ICU transfer within 24 hours. Thirty-day weekend admission mortality ORs (±95% CI), all patients and NEWS available; *impact of adjustment variables. ICU, intensive care unit; NEWS, National Early Warning Score; WEOR, weekend-to-weekday mortality OR. Jianxia Sun et al. BMJ Qual Saf 2019;28:223-230 Copyright © BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and the Health Foundation. All rights reserved.