(A) Knees showing marked osteophytes grade III and enthesophytes at the tibial tubercle grade II. (B) Grade III osteophyte around the carpo-metacarpal joint of the thumb. (A) Knees showing marked osteophytes grade III and enthesophytes at the tibial tubercle grade II. (B) Grade III osteophyte around the carpo-metacarpal joint of the thumb. (C) Calcaneum with grade II enthesophyte and patellae with grade III enthesophyte. (D) Radius with grade II enthesophyte at occipital protuberance and grade I osteophyte at radioulnar articulation. Ulna humeral joint has grade II osteophyte. (E) Hip joint showing greater trochanter of femur with grade II enthesophyte and lesser trochanter with grade I enthesophyte. The iliac crest also has enthesophytes, grade I, and the ischial tuberosity enthesophytes grade II. Juliet Rogers et al. Ann Rheum Dis 1997;56:85-90 ©1997 by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and European League Against Rheumatism