PS magnet status D Bodart 25/06/2019
Status of the injection bumpers Production of the pre-serie magnet: 29/01/2018 Placement of the contract for production serie: 18/11/2018 Status of the production: All equipments available and machined. Magnets are under assembly Inspection of the manufacturing: Yokes and coils are within specifications IP2 covers available, support fixture ready for installation Fig. 1 Assembly of the magnet yokes compensation coils Fig. 2 finished coils Fig. 3 finished magnet supports Fig. 4 Assembly of the coil ends
Status of the injection bumpers Planned delivery of the four bumper: 07/2019 Certification of the magnets: 07/2019 Magnetic measurements: 08/2019 Ajustement of the sextupolar compensation: TBC with Marco (mail 19/06). The sextupolar component generated by the chamber is almost not visible (10 -4 ) order with current configuration. Adjustment range of the coils is within 102 of the required span. Measurements of the tuning resistances has been performed to choose the ones matching with the generated field. NB: to install the magnets the vacuum chambers shall be installed. Fig. 5 finished magnet yokes
Status of the BGI vertical magnet Placement of the contract for production serie: 18/06/2019 Status of the production: Steel is currently shipped for lamination cutting. Kick-off meeting with production company was done on 20/06/2019. The company SEF has built the BGI horizontal version and knows the constraints of the manufacturing in terms of assembly integration and performances. Integration of the magnet is finished including installation of the vacuum chamber in the magnet. Fig. 6 top view of the BGI setup Fig. 7 side view of the BGI (outer ring)