Recap of 2018 Council Popcorn Sale 2018 Average TOTAL District Units Sale SALES Selling Per Unit Apalachee 41 $8,050 $330,042 Sweetwater 49 $5,452 $267,163 Cherokee 33 $3,038 $100,245 Chattahoochee 31 $5,154 $159,788 Currahee 20 $2,434 $48,681 Etowah 39 $9,828 $383,288 Mountain 10 $2,680 $26,803 E/V $583 $5,832 Council 233 $5,701 $1,321,842 Working Together to Provide the Experience of a Lifetime for a Scout
Dates to Remember Sign Up To Sell Popcorn NOW Trail’s End App goes live June 17 IYOS Campaign Brunch 9 a.m. – Scoutland June 29 IYOS Campaign Brunch 9 a.m. – Jefferson Jackson EMC July 13 Program Preview (In each District) July 18 IYOS Campaign Brunch 9 a.m. – Lawrenceville First UMC July 20 Online Sale for Council Prizes Begins August 1 Show N Sell Orders Due to district Kernel August 2 Roundtable Promotion August 8
Dates to Remember Pick Up Show N Sell August 24 Pick Up Show N Sell August 24 Popcorn Sale Kick-off – distribute materials September 4 September Roundtable Promotion September 12 October Roundtable Ordering Training for Units October 10 Last Day of Sale November 2 Units Place Final Order for Take Order November 3 Distribution of Product to Units November 14 Distribution to Units (Gwinnett/Walton) November 14-15 Units Begin to Place Prize Orders November 18
Dates to Remember Deadline to Enter Rockin’ Jump and Dave and Buster’s (space limited) November 29 Payment Due to Council December 4 Unit Commission Drops by 10% December 5 Last Day to Order Prizes December 12 Deadline to Submit Scholarship Notification December 12 Rockin’ Jump Party, Buford 11 – 1 January 11, 2020 Spin To Win Celebration Dave and Buster’s 4 – 7 January 25, 2020
Projects Provided by Popcorn Since 2006, more than $3,600,000 has been spent on camp properties projects using the council portion of the proceeds from the annual popcorn sale
2019 Highlights Returning Three “Ideal Year of Scouting Brunches” to be held. Opportunity for customer to donate $30 or $50 in popcorn products to be delivered to the men and women of the military. Prize Program will return with updated prize selection. $750 Club Bonus Prize Rockin’ Jump Party for Scout Fun night for 2 at Dave and Buster’s Spin to Win Party Trail’s End Scholarship Program Two products available in tins. Units able to earn up to 37% on Take Order Council Prizes for Scouts will be ordered online at They will be delivered to the home of the Unit Popcorn Chairman. The only exception is the $1000 and $1500 prize.
2019 Highlights Returning Kickoff Boxes Return Banners for all units who attend Kick-off – (Military banners for attending today If you RSVP’d) Show and Sell and Show and Deliver Options Available—No returns on SNS Can earn up to 37% on Show and Sell Purchase Chocolate Pecan Clusters in Chocolate Lover’s Tin Able to place orders for Take Order portion of sale in containers All payments will be made when the popcorn is picked up. Units will write a post-dated check for December 4, 2019, for all popcorn that is picked up on November 14th (or 14th-15th in Gwinnett/Walton). Show N Sell Popcorn payment due on December 4. No credit card payments for unit popcorn, Please. Extra Popcorn picked up at warehouse in November will earn 30% commission
2019 Highlights New White Cheddar Cheese Corn has been supersized No shipping charges on Online Sales New Banner for Show N Sell Free Credit Card Readers and Banners to units that qualify No Credit Cards fees if use the NEW Trail’s End App Amazon Gift Cards for Scouts from Trail’s End for all sales of $1500 or more Unit Popcorn Chairman and Top Unit Leader will each earn an embroidered blanket by attaining 37% commission and paying for product on time New Council Recognition Patch New Military Patch – Military Helicopter patch with Soldier pins Greatly improved training videos on Trail’s End YouTube site
Sell one item – receive patch New for 2019 Council Reward Patch New Sell one item – receive patch
New for 2019 Support our military New Northeast Georgia Council Military Reward Collect a total of $50 in military donations and receive an Military Helicopter Patch(one per Scout). Collect another $50 in military donations and receive a Soldier Pin for the patch. Earn another soldier pin for each additional $50 Military donations collected. No limit on the number of pins a Scout can earn NO COMBINING of Scouts’ sales – A Scout is Trustworthy
SALES METHODS Online Show N Sell Show N Deliver Door To Door
ONLINE SALES FREE SHIPPING ON ALL ONLINE ORDERS! CREATE ACCOUNTS In 2018, the average online transaction was $73. The average Scout that sold online averaged over $200 in online sales! CREATE ACCOUNTS Scouts need an account to sell online. Consider an account creation incentive. SHARING Sharing drives sales. Facebook Email Text Twitter, LinkedIN, etc “Sharing Sunday” – Every Scout shares their online page every Sunday throughout the sale. Average share is $33 nationwide.
Online Selling BENEFITS Scouts tell their story with personalized fundraising pages. It Takes less than 10 minutes to create a personalized fundraising page Upload photos & videos. Write a short bio about their Scouting adventures. Go viral! Send emails, texts, and post to social media. Available year round for repeat buyers. BENEFITS ● Reach family and friends outside of your community ● Products are delivered directly to the consumer ● Training videos, educational resources, and campaign progress updates to help you hit your goal NO SHIPPING CHARGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PERSONAL SALES DOOR TO DOOR FRIENDS,FAMILY, WORKPLACE BLITZ DAYS Neighbors Chocolate Products $28 Avg. Transaction, $100/hr FRIENDS,FAMILY, WORKPLACE Door to Door Friends & Family, Workplace BLITZ DAYS Dens & Patrols are assigned neighborhoods Top Selling Den incentive Social gathering after Agenda
Northeast Georgia council Product lineup
Popcorn For Our Troops In 2018, the Scouts of Northeast Georgia Council Provided more than $317,900 in product for the Military We were the #1 in the Nation in the US in Military Donations $30 Silver Level Donation $50 Gold Level Donation 2019
In 2019, your unit has the opportunity to earn up to Commission Schedule In 2019, your unit has the opportunity to earn up to 37% in commission for Take Order sales and Show N Sell sales of popcorn. By following the Popcorn Plan—you will be able to sell more popcorn and earn more commission than ever before. BASE COMMISSION on all Popcorn Sales will be 32% EARN 1% Extra Commission by attending one of the three Ideal Year of Scouting Brunches. June 29, at Scoutland July 13, in Jefferson July 20, in Lawrenceville EARN 1% Extra Commission by attending the Popcorn Sale Kickoff in your District on September 4th. EARN 1% Extra Commission if your unit sells 5% more than total sales for 2018 EARN an additional 2% Extra Commission if unit sells 8% more than 2018 To earn the full commission, a Unit must pay for their popcorn by the December 4th deadline. Payments received on December 5th, or after will receive 10% less commission. 2019
2019 Popcorn Sale Prize Program Northeast Georgia Council Prizes 2019 Popcorn Sale Prize Program Prizes are earned on Show N Sell, Online, and Take Order Sales through November 2, 2019
the 2019 Prize Program Scouts sell Popcorn – they earn prizes Prizes from the Council Patches Prizes based on $$ sales $750 Bonus Prize Rockin’ Jump Party Dave and Buster’s Spin to Win Party Prizes from Trail’s End Popcorn Amazon Gift Cards Scholarship Program
Order Council Prizes from November 14 – December 12
$750 Club Bonus Prize Sell $750 and choose one Every Scout who sells $750 in Popcorn products, will be eligible to receive a Bonus Prize!! LEGO Mia’s Forest Adventure Six In One Cooking Multi Tool Light Saber
$1,000 Club Rockin’ Jump Party Returning for 2019 Any Scout that sells a total of $1,000 or more, using any sales method by November 2nd can receive an invitation to a party at Rockin’ Jump Trampoline Park, Buford Fun and Food for the Scout January 11, 2020 from 11 am to 1 pm Open to the first 175 Scouts that register Online (found on the Council website Deadline to enter is November 29, 2019 Sales Must be verified in the Trail’s End Dashboard NO EXCEPTIONS!!
Plus $1,500 Club Spin to Win Party Any Scout that sells a total of $1,500 or more, using any sales method by November 2nd can receive an invitation for two (Scout and a parent) to a celebration at Dave and Buster’s, Sugarloaf Mills Fun, Food, Prizes and Game Card Open to the first 80 Scouts to register prior to the deadline Entry Must be competed Online ( by the November 29th Deadline. Sales Must be verified in the Trail’s End Popcorn Dashboard NO Exceptions!! January 25, 2020 4 pm to 7 pm
3 min TRAIL’S END REWARDS SCOUTS BUY THE PRIZES THEY WANT WITH AN AMAZON.COM GIFT CARD Gift Cards are claimed on the Rewards page within the Scout’s account in the app and when certain sales levels are reached and approved by a unit leader. Prizes are awarded to Scouts according to their sales documented in the Trail’s End Popcorn Dashboard 3 min
(combined face-to-face & online) TRAIL’S END SCHOLARSHIP Sell $2,500 (combined face-to-face & online) 6% of your total sales each calendar year invested in your own college scholarship account. 1-2 min Funded By Trail’s End
MOTIVATING SCOUTS SCOUT MOTIVATION PARENT BUY-IN KICKOFF Every Scout Sells Set a Goal Bigger Prizes PARENT BUY-IN Scouts Personal Growth Scout Rewards KICKOFF Info FUN! Parent Buy-In Top Seller Pledge Agenda