Modernization of Social statistics: integrated use of survey and MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN DIRECTORS OF SOCIAL STATISTICS Modernization of Social statistics: integrated use of survey and administrative data at Istat Vittoria Buratta Directorate for Social Surveys and Population Census Istat LUXEMBOURG, 2-3 MARCH 2017 BECH BUILDING - ROOM AMPERE
OUTLINE Istat modernisation programme Base Registers Background Registers system Istat modernisation programme The four base registers; The base register on households and individuals (BRHI) Base Registers From one shot census to permanent census Integrated sampling design for census and social surveys system (Master Sample); Using of integrated information from different sources (statistic surveys and administrative data) to maximize the quality of the census and of the register BRHI; Census and Social Surveys Integrated System (CSSIS) OUTLINE
Background In the last decade, official statistics has undergone a dramatic shift, both in the production model and in its output The traditional chain, based on the vertical integration of different survey-specific tasks carried out to collect, process, analyse and disseminate statistical data, has become outdated Since the second half of 2014 Istat has implemented its internal Modernisation Programme, in accordance with both some actions supported by UNECE - High-level Group on the Modernisation of Official Statistics and the European Statistical System commitment to Vision 2020 Istat’s Modernisation Programme was officially approved by the Governing Board on January 28th, 2016
The Integrated System of Statistical Registers (ISSR) Relevant advantage in terms of reduced costs and response burden, while ensuring quality, timeliness and completeness Large potential because different registers can be linked together on the basis of clearly defined keys Base registers contain the identifier of the statistical unit Satellite registers contain thematic variables derived from administrative sources or surveys
Modernisation: The base registers
Base Register on Individuals and Households (BRIH) The register-based system is the basis for the Census and Social Surveys Integrated System (CSSI) and for the annual or more frequent demographic statistics BRIH must ensure the consistency between two successive population estimates and the population’s flows of the usually-resident population (births, deaths and migrations) BRIH must ensure compliance with the definitions, the requirements of quality and timeliness established by European Regulations on Census and Demographic Statistics BRIH must be used to meet all user needs and to provide outputs required for monitoring and evaluation of policies both at local and national level BRIH improves the quality of administrative population registers, in perspective organized in New ANPR System (National administrative Register of Resident Population)
Integrated use of Base Registers and surveys Moving towards: European “Project on the integration of European social surveys” ISTAT scenario of Census and Social Surveys Integrated System European middle term goal: Development of estimation procedures aimed to produce estimates pooling data from independent surveys for harmonized social variables ISTAT middle term goal: Harmonization of survey designs and estimation strategies
CSSIS Strategy Integrated sampling design for census and social surveys (master sample) introducing the two phase scenario instead of the traditional one phase view. Estimation techniques use an integrated way information from different sources. Rationalization and harmonization of: aspects related to fieldwork operations by means of optimization of survey areas and data collection; variable definition and missing response treatment in social surveys.
Highlights Modular statistical system Variables are split into mutually exclusive groups of variables, called modules. Modules are divided into instruments each instrument consists of a fixed set of modules each module may be present in many instruments. Data collection for each instrument may take place independently of each other or with different degrees of coordination between them. The estimation process can take advantage of pooling data from all instruments. Expected benefits: Reduced response burden Increase in terms of precision Quick and efficient response to emerging needs
CSSIS: Synthesis
Master Sample Sampling Size Sampling design components: area sampling design or sampling design from addresses frame sampling design from population frame Areal Componente Population Frame Component Municipality sampling size Household sampling size Municipality Self Representative Municipalities 446 200.751 672 561.553 Not Self Representative Municipalities 1.380 202.918 2.274 438.291 TOTAL 1.826 403.669 2.946 999.845 Number of municipality included in the sample 2018-2021 5.966 . All the municipalities
Social Surveys from now to … Up to 2017: Only pooling of sampling data from social surveys is possible 2018-2021: Sampling data from master sample. Sampling size of master sample is taken large enough to guarantee the achievement of census targets. From 2022 onward: The sampling size of master sample may be redesigned due to improvement in the availability and quality of population registers.
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