Intersectoral Consequences of Climate and Weather related impacts Clim2Power Intersectoral Consequences of Climate and Weather related impacts Tim O’Higgins
Determining User Requirements Who? Power Producers, Energy Traders, Power Systems Managers, Water Managers, Water companies, regional and national administrations What? Climate related energy resource estimations, optimal electricity generation, climate related energy services demand, likely changes in electricity prices, water availabilityuser-tailored indicators of impacts and vulnerability. Why? Operation of large hydro-storage and of managing the stocks of fossil fuels that are necessary to backup power generation, minimize operational costs, prevent service losses, and better manage river systems in terms of ecological integrity.
Clim2Power Climate Service How? The CLIM2POWER climate service will be co-developed with end-users and tested in 5 representative case-studies: 1) Portugal: Douro river basin, wind and solar power resources and whole power system; 2) Sweden: Lule älv river basin, wind and solar power resources and whole power system, 3) Germany-Austria: the Danube river basin, wind and solar power resources and the German-Austrian market zone; 4) France: wind and solar power resources and the whole power system, and 5) the interconnected European electric system to account for impact on electricity trade across countries.
Clim2Power Climate Service How? A Userboard for the CS is being established, both at EU level and for the four national/regional case-studies. Each of the EU and national Userboard will meet in three facilitated workshops along the project (three meetings in Brussels, three in Portugal, three in Sweden, three in France and three in Austria).
Methodology How? As a first step a review and methodological approach have been developed. Takes a vulnerability based approach to provide a flexible framework for the regional workshops
Adaptation cycle Establishment of Userboard Clim2Power models Assess exposure- User requirements Assesses sensitivity And data requirements Useful information
Station: Cathaleen’s Fall County: Donegal Fuel type: Hydro Capacity: 45MW Status: Active Commissioned: 1951
Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping
Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping Lake levels affect recreational activities ESB responsible for management of the European eel In summer Lough Erne is in county Fermanagh In winter Fermanagh is in Lough Erne ESB spend approximately €1m Per year on Salmon Re-stocking High lake levels affect The land area for farming
Targeting data and information
Purpose of this exercise Get high level input on the focus of the project Preliminary exploration of sensitivities of assets and sectors
Project Clim2Power is part of ERA4CS, an ERA-NET initiated by JPI Climate, and funded by FORMAS (SE), DLR (DE), BMWFW (AT), FCT (PT), EPA (IE), ANR (FR) with co-funding by the European Union (Grant 690462).