Classification of Substance-Related Disorders Substance Abuse and Dependence Substance abuse involve a pattern of recurrent use that leads to damaging consequences. - Substance dependence is the development of physiological signs of dependence. (tolerance or withdrawal) or by compulsive use of a substance.
Addiction, Physiological Dependence, and Psychological Dependence - addiction as the habitual or compulsive use of a drug accompanied by evidence of physiological dependence - Physiological dependence means that one’s body has changed as a result of the regular use of a psychoactive drug in such a way that tolerance or withdrawal syndrome develop. - Psychological dependence involves a patterns of compulsive use of associated with impaired control over the use of drug.
3. Addiction or dependence Pathways to Drug Dependence 1. Experimentation 2. Routine use 3. Addiction or dependence
Drugs of Abuse Depressants is a drug that slow down the activity of the nervous system. Alcohol Barbiturates Opioids
- increases the activity of the nervous system Stimulants - increases the activity of the nervous system Amphetamines Ecstacy Cocaine Nicotine
- produces sensory distortion and hallucination Hallucinogens - produces sensory distortion and hallucination LSD Phencyclidine (PCP) Marijuana
Theoretical Perspectives Biological Perspectives Neurotransmitters Genetic Factors Learning Perspectives Operant Conditioning Alcohol and Tension Reduction Negative Reinforcement and Withdrawal The Conditioning Model of Cravings Observational Learning
Cognitive Perspectives Outcome Expectancies, and Substance Abuse Self-Efficacy Expectancies Does One "Slip" Cause People with Substance Abuse or Dependence to Go on Binges? Perhaps What You Believe Is What You Get Psychodynamic Perspectives Sociocultural Perspectives Tying It Together
Treatment of Substance Abuse and Dependence Biological Approaches Detoxification Disulfiram Antidepressants Nicotine Replacement Therapy Methadone Maintenance Programs Nalaxone and Naltrexone
Summing Up Culturally Sensitive Treatment of Alcoholism Nonprofessional Support Groups Residential Approaches Psychodynamic Approaches Behavioral Approaches Self-Control Strategies Aversive Conditioning Social Skills Training Relapse-Prevention Training Summing Up
CLASS ACTIVITY 1 Distinguish between substance abuse and dependence, tolerance and withdrawal. Distinguish between psychological and physiological dependence. Describe physical and psychological effects of depressants, stimulants and hallucinogens.
CLASS ACTIVITY II Discuss biological, learning, cognitive, psychodynamic, and sociocultural perspectives of substance abuse and dependence. Discuss approaches to treating substance abuse and dependence including detoxification, disulfiram, antidepressants, nicotine replacement, methadone maintenance and nalaxone/naltrexone. .
Discuss the need for, and methods of, relapse- prevention training. Discuss approaches to treating substance abuse and dependence including, nonprofessional support groups, residential approaches, psychodynamic approaches, and behavioral approach. Discuss the need for, and methods of, relapse- prevention training.