What Happened to that Robin? What sends birds and wildlife to Portland’s Injured Wildlife Care Center? 11/2/2019
What is the Portland Audubon Wildlife Care Center? A “hospital” that cares for wildlife that has been injured from human-related activities. Where is it located? N.W. Cornell Rd., Portland, Oregon. What types of injuries are we talking about? Injuries from cars, pets, power lines, and other human-related activities. 11/2/2019
Background Every year people find wildlife that is injured. In 1982, Portland Audubon founded a “hospital” for these animals. The idea of the center was to treat and release injured wildlife. The center has collected information about what injures wildlife and what happened to each animal. 11/2/2019
Our Question: What types of injuries send birds and wildlife to Audubon’s Wildlife Care Center? Look out ! 11/2/2019
What did we do to answer our question? We reviewed the Wildlife Care Center’s data from 1995 – 2000. We put information on a spreadsheet. We graphed the results. 11/2/2019
What did we predict? We thought trucks would hurt birds more than anything. 11/2/2019
Our results from 1995 – 1999 11/2/2019
Percentages 11/2/2019
What element caused the most serious types of injuries? Cats not only caused the most injuries to wildlife in 5 years of data, but they caused the most serious kinds of injuries due to repeatedly using their claws to puncture the organs of the birds. Cats killed 2,970 birds in 5 years. 11/2/2019
What kinds of birds did cats injure or kill? Here is a list of a few: Steller’s jay Varied thrush Cedar waxwing Bewick’s wren Northern flicker Red breasted sapsucker Western screech owl 11/2/2019
What can we do? We want to brainstorm with you about what we can do to help reduce the numbers of injured wildlife. We will put your responses in a newsletter to help the public know what they can do to help save birds and wildlife. 11/2/2019
Please divide into 4 groups, and go to a work station. Our class representative will brainstorm with you about what our graphs mean and ways that we can help save wildlife. Think about it 11/2/2019