System Center Third Party Tools Ivanti Patch and RCT Recast April 2019
Third Party Tools Recast from Right Click Tools Ivanti Patch Patch Monitoring and Compliance Compliance Right Click Tools Ivanti Patch Ivanti Patch for Third Party Patching Updates Publishing Updates
Patch Monitoring with RCT Recast To use the Patch Monitoring feature for Recast you will have to have it installed on the server and log on to the server to access it. Next navigate to Monitoring > Recast > Software Update Deployment Status. Something to note is that if a Collection is too big the Software Group drop down might be blank. You will have to change the Collection to a smaller group to populate this. Then you can change back. Otherwise you can hit start and get the results for the desired Collection. Use the “Limit to Deployed Updates” to match to your environment and the “Updates age scale” to scale back to 30 days if you patch 30 days behind release. Patch Monitoring with RCT Recast
Compliance Once you have the result you can use the Right Click add on to update out of patch machines. To do so Right click on the desired machine or machines Scroll down to Client Tools Select Install Missing Software Updates
Right Click Tools Right Click tools is an array of tools that are added when you install Recast. These tools have many different uses. To use these you can simply right click on various things like the name of a SCCM client machine, scroll down to Recast RCT, and select the operation you desire to use. One such operation might be Install Missing Software Updates. The download for Recast RCT can be found here
Features of RCT With Right Click Tools there are many operations you can take advantage of. You can repair a client, have a client check in, install missing updates, view client logs, reboot one or many machines at once, run scripts against the client and so much more.
Ivanti Patch Ivanti Patch for Third Party Application Patching Ivanti Patch can only be accessed from machines that the third party add-on is installed. For this reason we will access it from the server. There are also features of Ivanti that cannot be accessed without the SCCM console being launched as Administrator. To access Ivanti Patch from the server go under Software > Software Updates and you will see at the bottom Ivanti Patch and Published Third- Party Updates. From these nodes you can control your environments third party patching.
Above you see the possible updates that can be published while below you can see updates that have already been published. If using an Automatic Deployment Rule to deploy these it is important to make sure you are always getting the latest updates. If you are not the ADR may fail. This is because some vendors change the download URL as products come out. So when the ADR hits the old download URL it will fail to download. Removing the old update and publishing the new one will fix this issue.
Publishing Updates To publish an update You must first make sure you select the vendors you plan to use. To do this navigate to Administration > Site Configuration > Sites > Configure Site Component > Software Update Point. From here select the Products tab and ensure the products you desire are selected. Even if you have configured this before it will need to be reviewed with the addition of Ivanti Patch. Once you have the desired updates you will need to move to the Ivanti portion under updates and select what you would like to Publish so that it can be deployed through a deployment package or ADR.
Automatic Deployment Rule Once you have selected the updates you wish to deploy you can create an automatic deployment rule that will deploy the updates for you. You just need to ensure to select the third party product you want to deploy. ADRs should be separated for each product that way if a URL changes and causes it to fail it will not fail out all other products. Automatic Deployment Rule
THANK YOU! Thomas Faherty 805-793-5777 Phone 805-793-5777 Email