The Cold War- The Asian Front - Dominoes
China and Japan China- Japan Led by Mao Zedong- communist Chiang Kai-Shek’s nationalist gov’t forced to Formosa – (Taiwan) U.S. did not recognize China as communist Japan Increased attention in rebuilding Japan Buffer against Asian communism
The Korean War June 24, 1950- North Korea invades southern Korea North Korea = communist South Korea = Pro-Western (non communist) North Korea makes it to Seoul (capital of SK) U.S. almost immediately commits itself to conflict
Korean War June 27, 1950- U.S. sent limited military assistance Appealed for the UN to intervene June 30, 1950- U.S. ordered grown forces into Korea Under the command of General Douglas MacArthur (headed UN operations) First U.S. expression of NSC-68
Korean War [1950-1953]
Korean War U.S. intervention = containment and “liberation” July 5- First American-Korean battle Americans fared poorly
Korean War Inchon By September 27, 1950- October-November- MacArthur had permission to pursue the enemy into North Korean territory October-November- MacArthur pushes for permission to go into China
Korean War Truman-MacArthur Controversy Korean stalemate continues- April 11, 1951- MacArthur relieved from duty 69% supported MacArthur MacArthur receives hero welcome upon returning home Korean stalemate continues- Negoitations continue from July 1951-1953
MacArthur pushes North MacArthur’s offensive fails, Chinese overwhelm American/UN forces take over Seoul by 1/5/51
Maps of the Korean Pensinsula