Dynamc Transfer Capability Task Force 28 Jan 2011 Phase 1 Update Gordon Dobson-Mack DTC TF Chair Tel: 604-891-6004
Agenda Purpose Phase 1 Challenges Phase 1 Deliverables Next Steps
Propose “ Develop a technical consensus on how to facilitate increased Dynamic Transfers without compromising system reliability ”
Phase 1 Challenges DTC definition? Nature of the variability? How much is too much? Analogies for MW change, frequency, volume & ramp rate Emerging Issues Reliability Based Control Webinar 4
Work Process Phase 1 5
Phase 1 Deliverables Phase 1 to wrap up end of February; Will not have a DTC Methodology Stretch Objective: Aiming to have a Phase 1 Report 6
Phase 1 Deliverables DRAFT TABLE OF CONTENTS: Executive Summary Introduction Nature of the emerging Dynamic Transfer Problem Define requirements for a robust DTC Methodology Sensitivities on Existing Methodologies Initial Steps towards a DTC Limit Methodology Emerging Issues and Threats Next Steps Conclusions Appendices 7
DTC TF Membership BPA: Brian Tuck, Edison Elizeh, Tim Smith, BCH: Bob Cielen, Steven Pai, CAISO: Jim Price, IPCO: Orlando Ciniglio, Avista: Rich Hydzik, NWE: Chuck Stigers, Ray Brush PAC: Sanman Rokade, PGE: Don Johnson, PSE: Alex Berres, Shengli Huang, Joe Seabrook, Jason Yedinak Pwx: Gordon Dobson-Mack, SCL: Robin Cross, TANC: Shawn Matchim, Abbas Abed MSR: Dave Arthur, David Olivares Columbia Grid: Marv Landauer, Jeff Miller Northern Tier: Rich Bayless WECC: Branden Sudduth OPUC: Matt Muldoon