SEA (Student Equity and Achievement Program) Goal: to boost achievement for all students, emphasis on eliminating achievement gaps for traditionally underrepresented students by: Implementing activities and practices pursuant to the California Community College Guided Pathways Grant Program. Ensuring students complete their educational goals and a defined course of study. Providing quality curriculum, instruction, and support services to students who enter college deficient in English and mathematics to ensure these students complete a course of study in a timely manner.
Allocation for 2019-20 (Consolidate BSI, SE and SSSP) Projected $ 8,353,443.00 BAM Model Location Allocation 19.33% COA $ 1,614,720.53 20.03% BCC $ 1,673,194.63 36.92% Laney $ 3,084,091.16 23.72% Merritt $ 1,981,436.68 $ 8,353,443.00
SEA- SSSP portion Payroll Charged to SSSP- $ 1,371,794.99 (2017-18) Dean of Enrollment – 50% SSSP, 50% SE 4 FT Counselors 2-3 Adjunct Counselors 3 Faculty advisors Staff –Enrollment Services Coordinator, Researcher, A&R technician, A&R Specialist (25%), Student Services Specialist (position eliminated), Staff Assistant (resigned) 10-12 Student ambassadors 1 SEA Coordinator (new position) – 1 Associate Dean of Educational Success (change in reporting)
SSP funding BCC SSSP Funding 2017-2018 $1,371,794.99 2018-2019 $1,300,716.70 Positions/Activities Category Type of expense Cost SS Administrators- Dean of Enrollment Admin .5FTE 66, 297.5 132,595 4 Counselors, 3 PT Counselors Faculty Advisors Faculty 5.5 FTE 291,231 SS Classified Staff Enrollment Services Coordinator, Researcher, Student Ambassadors classified 399,767 SS Classified Staff Benefits all 409,771 PD 2000 Misc 13,558
SEA Payroll Charged to Student Equity - $398,429 (2017-18) Dean of Enrollment Services (50%) Learning Communities – faculty stipend Umoja Program Coordinator UCRC Staff assistant (Half time) Student ambassadors
SE funding Book Vouchers 3,367 BCC SE Funding 2017-2018 $422,165 2018-2019 $372,477 Positions/Activities Category Type of expense Cost SS Administrators- Dean of Enrollment Services Admin .5FTE 66, 297.5 SS Administrators- Dean of Enrollment services 132,595 Learning community Stipend Umoja Program Coordinator Counselors Faculty 141,276 Classified Staff Student Ambassadors Classified 204,979 Classified Staff UCRC Staff classified .5 FTE Benefits All 52,174 Guest Speakers, Travel, Publications 6,564 6564 Book Vouchers 3,367
BSI funding BCC BSI Funding 2017-2018 $160,000 2018-2019 $160,258 2018-2019 $160,258 Positions/Activities Category Type of expense Cost Faculty Stipends- reading portfolios, AB705 implementation Faculty 11,700 Faculty Stipends Curriculum Development, Special Projects 16,000 Tutoring Classified 201,000 Classified 201,000 Professional Development All 5000 Professional Development All
Student Equity and Achievement Requests for 2019-20 Learning Communities and UMOJA Total $146,250 Tutoring Total $347,140 Student Ambassadors
Student Equity and Achievement Program Non-Allowable Gifts- Public funds may not be uses for gifts or monetary awards of any kind. Expenditures for a public purpose are not considered a gift of public funds. 2. Stipends for students—funds cannot be used to pay stipends for participation in program or classroom activities. 3. Political contribution. 4. Courses- funds may not be used to pay for the delivery of courses that generate FTES.
Student Equity and Achievement Program Non-Allowable 5. Supplanting- any funds spent on these programs should supplement, not replace, general or state categorical (restricted) district funds expended on similar program activities prior to the availability of program funding. This restriction applies to categorical programs and any other federal, state, and county programs. Supplanting rules do not apply to expenditures previously paid for by BSI, SE or SSSP.
Alignment with BCC’s Mission and Strategic Goals SEA Alignment with BCC’s Mission and Strategic Goals Student Enrollment – Goals I, II, IV, Transfer to a Four-year Institution – Goals I, IV Completion of both transfer level English and math within the District in the first year – Goals I, II Attained the Vision Goal Completion Definition – Goals I, IV Retained from Fall to Spring at the same College – Goals I, II