Update on Great Places – Give us a Chance Member Day Duncan Neish Policy Officer @duncannnNeish
“If you want a great place to live, come to a housing association”
What do you think makes a place 'great' and what is most important to you where you live?
About Great Places A programme exploring what makes a place great – and the role for housing associations in creating thriving, successful communities. Led by the Great Places Commission, launched in March 2018. Responds to the specific housing challenges affecting some urban areas in the North and the Midlands – quality, infrastructure, connectivity, and opportunities. Final recommendations due to be presented this summer.
Programme objectives Understand and inform successful places: Explore the factors that contribute to a great place, and make recommendations for how housing associations can deliver. Identify partners and approaches: Look at successful collaboration models, and position housing associations as ‘anchor institutions’ and key local economic players. Engage stakeholders across the spectrum: From politicians to local businesses, develop a shared understanding of what makes a great place and the crucial role housing associations have in delivering them.
Milestones March – December 2018: Five regional Great Places Commission visits. June – July 2018: ‘Great Places – great debates’ member workshops. November 2018: Great Places interim report – initial findings and points for discussion. February 2019: Member workshops – shaping the final recommendations. July 2019: final recommendations published.
Recommendations – taster Regeneration – an ambitious new national strategy and investment to fund regeneration over the next 10 years, with a focus on places in the North and the Midlands. Local authority funding – a sustainable future funding settlement to support capacity, skills and placemaking. Design standards – good design standards for all new development, including homes and placemaking.
Recommendations – tasters Private rented sector – through a mandatory national landlord register and local licensing schemes. Local Industrial Strategies – should include the role of housing, affordable housing and inclusive growth. Cross-sector partnerships – building on the strengths of partners to amplify the sector’s impact in each community.
Recommendations – tasters Community development – identifying each communities’ strengths and targeting resources accordingly. Property sales and transfers – ensuring the best results for communities through an ethical approach to disposals. Procurement – using procurement strategies to build and circulate wealth in communities.
What next for the Federation? Promote support and adoption for the recommendations across housing associations. Raise stakeholders’ awareness of housing associations’ significant role in creating great places. Make the case for the report’s recommendations including long-term investment in regeneration.
Stay in touch Read the latest on www.housing.org.uk/greatplaces Follow us on Twitter via #GreatPlacesCommission Get in touch at greatplaces@housing.org.uk