Activation of multiple RTKs in chondrosarcoma cells. Activation of multiple RTKs in chondrosarcoma cells. A, the phosphorylation status of 42 RTKs in chondrosarcoma cells under serum-depleted conditions was assessed by phospho-RTK arrays. Anti-RTK antibodies spotted on nitrocellulose membrane in duplicate were incubated with cell lysates followed by secondary anti-phosphotyrosine antibody detection. Positive controls are represented in the 4 corners of each blot; negative antibody isotype controls and PBS control are represented in E13-20 and E21-22, respectively. The location and names of capture antibodies are listed in the first and second column of B. B, qualitative heat-blot map of RTK array data. +++, RTK signal is higher than positive controls; ++, signal is similar to positive controls; +, signal is lower than positive control but 5-fold higher than antibody isotype negative controls; −, low signal. C, validation of phospho-RTK array data by immunoblot (IB) or immunoprecipitation (IP)/IB analysis. Yi-Xiang Zhang et al. Clin Cancer Res 2013;19:3796-3807 ©2013 by American Association for Cancer Research