Map of the area with other sites LIGURIA VARIGOTTI LOCATION Map of the country Map of the area with other sites
PHYSICAL AND AESTHETIC FEATURES TIPE OF SITE Old village LIGURIA VARIGOTTI PHYSICAL AND AESTHETIC FEATURES Varigotti is a village set very close to the beach. It’s composed of a centre where all the buildings have got a typical Arabic style, architecture mostly spread in Northern Africa, such as Tunisia. Varigotti has several remarkable highlights: the old watch tower situated on a promontory; the little church of San Lorenzo, situated on a hill overlooking Baia dei Saraceni (in English Saracens Bay); the ruins of a medieval monastery near the church. The village is surrounded by the sea in the South and by a lot of hills in the North. TIPE OF SITE Old village AREA COVERED 1,15 km2 HISTORICAL INFORMATION All Varigotti’s territory was under the dominion of Roman Empire. Then, after its fall in 476 a. D., The Byzantines converted Varigotti in a port village, with very few buildings. Since 1125, thanks to Benedectine monks, the olive trees cultivation started and the real village began to exist. Approximately in 1200, Varigotti became to be part of the Carretto’s marquisate. In 1348, the Genoeses destroyed the arbour and since then the buildings started to get a typical Arabic style, as the Saracens, with their piracy gestures, brought their construction techniques. DATING First dwelling of the Roman Empire, then Byzantine and Saracens one all over the coast between I and II Century.
The buildings surrounding the beach LIGURIA VARIGOTTI HIGHLIGHTS The promontory The buildings surrounding the beach
A typical street of the centre LIGURIA VARIGOTTI HIGHLIGHTS A typical street of the centre The view from the pier
CONDITION OF PRESERVATION TICKETS AND BOOKING LIGURIA VARIGOTTI CONDITION OF PRESERVATION All the buildings are entirely preserved. Anyway, there are the old watch tower and church and also the ruins of the ancient monastery. TICKETS AND BOOKING There are no tickets and booking to do, it is a free-visit village. LEGAL OWNERSHIP Varigotti belongs to Finale Ligure’s municipality and plus it has a cooperation called “Varigotti insieme” which deals with safeguarding and giving value to the village. VISITING TIME Varigotti has not limits of time.
There are access modes for disabled people. LIGURIA VARIGOTTI ACCESSIBILITY There are access modes for disabled people. FACILITIES During summer, Varigotti is full of beach establishments. In the centre there are a lot of typical restaurants, where the local fishes can be tasted, and bars. Also, near the pier there’s a square where a lot of festivals and parties are celebrated. The Sarracens’ Bay (Baia dei Saraceni)