Bell Work Observe the picture below.
ANIMAL BEHAVIOR How do animals stay safe in the winter? Information about animal behavior can be found around the room. Read the information to further your knowledge about how animals behave for different reasons. On the provided sheet of paper, SMASH the information…so…take notes…but in your own way. Sit down when you are finished and look over your information until time is called. How do animals stay safe in the winter? Do animals behave differently in the dessert? How do animals find the right mate? Are all animal behaviors learned?
SWITCH Leave your paper on your desk. When you hear the bell, walk around the room. When you hear the squeak, stop at the closest desk and look over that student’s paper. Wait for the bell! When you hear the bell again, walk around the room. Wait for the squeak! When you hear the squeak, stop at the closest desk.
What is one thing you learned today? SHARE What is one thing you learned today?
Classification Review Show what you know! Weekly Goals: Explain how organisms are classified. Correctly identify a scientific two-part name. Use a dichotomous key to identify an unknown organism. AND NOW…identify different animal behaviors that can help an organism survive.
Today’s Assignment: As a group, create a poster showing what you now know about animal behavior. Choose one of the following topics: A) FINDING FOOD (predator-prey D) COURTSHIP B) MARKING TERRITORY E) PARENTING C) DEFENSIVE ACTION Use markers only! (Do not use a pencil first and then go back with marker…there’s no time for that.) Each member in your group should use a different color of marker. You are only allowed to do work in YOUR color of marker.
A. Homo sapiens B. Sapiens C. Homo D. Sapiens homo 1. Which of the following is the genus name for humans? A. Homo sapiens B. Sapiens C. Homo D. Sapiens homo
A. Species B. Domain C. Genus D. Kingdom 2. What is the most specific level of classification? A. Species B. Domain C. Genus D. Kingdom
A. Dingo B. Canis C. lupis D. Pit bull 3. What is the species name for dog: Canis lupis? A. Dingo B. Canis C. lupis D. Pit bull
A. Platyspiza C. Camarhynchus B. Certhidea D. Geospiza 4. What is the scientific name of Bird W? A. Platyspiza C. Camarhynchus B. Certhidea D. Geospiza
5. What is the name of the yellow monster? A. Alienus quadlegicu C. Alienus hairicus B. Alienus tritoothicus D. Alienus blobicus
A. Homo sapiens B. Sapiens C. Homo D. Sapiens homo 1. Which of the following is the genus name for humans? A. Homo sapiens B. Sapiens C. Homo D. Sapiens homo
A. Species B. Domain C. Genus D. Kingdom 2. What is the most specific level of classification? A. Species B. Domain C. Genus D. Kingdom
A. Dingo B. Canis C. lupis D. Pit bull 3. What is the species name for dog: Canis lupis? A. Dingo B. Canis C. lupis D. Pit bull
A. Platyspiza C. Camarhynchus B. Certhidea D. Geospiza 4. What is the scientific name of Bird W? A. Platyspiza C. Camarhynchus B. Certhidea D. Geospiza
5. What is the name of the yellow monster? A. Alienus quadlegicu C. Alienus hairicus B. Alienus tritoothicus D. Alienus blobicus