College Admissions Essay Prompt TAPS Outline Thesis Statement Rough Draft RAG’S Final Draft
Personal Statement: List Group Label Our concept today is “Personal Statement” Brainstorm and list any phrases, words, or concepts that your team can think of Group similar words and phrases together Give that group a name according to their similarities
Personal Statement Instructions Main Idea Notes Get to know you A great response will be … Instructions Personal statements are a chance for the admissions committee to get to know you. Gives them the context of your life Open, honest, have specific examples, and is well written. Possibly give validation for poor grades a. )Respond to both questions 1,000 words total shorter answer must be no less than 250 words b.) Top right corner (header) have your full name, date of birth, and “Personal Statement”
Topic: What is your paper going to be about? TAPS Topic: What is your paper going to be about? Purpose: What’s the point for writing this paper? What do you hope to achieve? Audience: Describe who you’re writing to. How does this affect the style/diction of your paper?
Quick Write Think about grammar, diction, organization, and elaboration in regards to your personal statement. Question: How are you going to ensure that your personal statement is a true reflection of you?
Outline Prompt #1: Describe the World you Came From Describe world Adj #1 Example Elaborate Main Point #1-Topic Sentence Adj #2 Main Point # 2-Topic Sentence How this has shaped your dreams Example: Main Point # 3- Topic Sentence
Outline Prompt #2: Personal Quality Describe quality, talent, experience Example elaboration Main Point #1-Topic Sentence How does it make you proud? Elaboration Main Point # 2-Topic Sentence How does it relate to the person you are? Main Point # 3- Topic Sentence
Thesis Statement Key Points: Rephrase the question and answer it. Outline your main points. EX: My family has a rich history of overcoming obstacles, and dedication to education; thus, they have shaped my dream of attending a prestigious university to become a high school teacher.
Thesis Statement Take 5 minutes to write your thesis statement. I will come around to help you Then we will share a few examples with the class.
Rough Draft You will have the duration of the period to write your rough draft. Please turn them into the tray when finished.
This is your opportunity to make your essays go from good to great! Read-Around-Groups This is your opportunity to make your essays go from good to great!
Read-Around-Groups You will be in groups of 3. Each member will be assigned a job You will have 20 minutes to read each paper in your group and complete your assigned job.
Read –Around-Groups: Job List Grammar Guru Materials: Blue or Red pen Task: Using your pen, circle and correct all grammar mistakes Prompt Checker Materials: Pink Sticky Notes Task: On the sticky note, write how well the person responded to the prompt. 1. Did they answer all parts of the prompt? 2. Did they provide an example and thoroughly describe it and connect the example to the main idea? Critical Criticizer Materials: Yellow Sticky note Task: 1. Read their essay. 2. On the sticky note, give 2 positive points about their paper, and 2 points for areas of improvement
Personal Statement Reflection Quick write: Analyze and discuss whether you believe your essay was a detailed and accurate description of you.
Final Drafts 1.Today, we will type our final drafts in the computer lab. 2.Please e-mail a final copy to yourself 3. Print 2 copies of your essay: one copy to place in your portfolio and one copy to keep for yourself.