(YOUR CHURCH NAME) How’s Your Serve? (DATE) Sermon Series
PATTERN The Towel and the Bowl How’s Your Serve? 26 It is not this way among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant, 27 and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave; 28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:26-28 NASB Jesus DEMONSTRATES the PATTERN for all true believers to follow. Serving others is the natural way of life for us. We DEMONSTRATE His love to the world through our daily lives. How’s Your Serve?
THE EXAMPLE OF SERVING In HUMILITY Christ gave us the example of Humility and Honesty and Honor
THE EXAMPLE OF SERVING In HUMILITY With HONESTY Christ gave us the example of Humility and Honesty and Honor
THE EXAMPLE OF SERVING In HUMILITY With HONESTY To HONOR Christ gave us the example of Humility and Honesty and Honor
THE EXPLANATION OF SERVING The Path Up is Down Christ teaches we must put aside selfish ambition and pride to honor one another more highly than ourselves
THE EXPLANATION OF SERVING The Path Up is Down The Position is Last Christ teaches we must put aside selfish ambition and pride to honor one another more highly than ourselves
The Manner we serve others is key THE EXPECTATION OF SERVING The Manner we serve others is key Christ teaches us that we are called to serve others in the same MANNER and MEASURE He does Manner – the way we serve – without discrimination Measure – the extent we serve – without end
THE EXPECTATION OF SERVING The Manner we serve others is key The Measure we strive for is like Christ Christ teaches us that we are called to serve others in the same MANNER and MEASURE He does Manner – the way we serve – without discrimination Measure – the extent we serve – without end