Français 2, 29 avril 2019 Duolingo, dix minutes! Why shouldn’t you say 288 in polite conversation? Le conseil – advice. Elle va demander conseil àson psy. She’s going to ask her shrink for advice. Goals – Enjoy the movie. Do the discussion during the last 10 minutes. Les Devoirs – A la page 149, faite le 5. Because it is two gross
Français 2, 30 avril 2019 Duolingo, dix minutes! Why do elephants have trunks? L’accord – agreement. L’accord sera signé la semaine prochaine. The agreement will be signed next week. Goals – Enjoy the movie. Do the discussion during the last 10 minutes. Les Devoirs – A la page 150, faites le 7. Because they’d look silly with glove compartments
Français 2, 1 Mai 2019 Duolingo, dix minutes! What is large gray and wears glass slippers? Nourrir – to feed. Nourris ton poisson rouge. Feed your goldfish. Goals – Enjoy the movie. Do the discussion during the last 10 minutes. Les Devoirs – A la page 150, faites le 8. Cinderelephant.
Français 2, 2 Mai 2019 Duolingo, dix minutes! Why did the elf push his bed into the fire place? Les nerfs – nerves. Il me tape sur les nerfs. He gets on my nerves. Goals – Enjoy the movie. Do the discussion during the last 10 minutes. Les Devoirs – A la page 151, faites le 9. He wanted to sleep like a log.
Français 2, 3 Mai 2019 Duolingo, dix minutes! What did the bread do while on vacation? Mordre – to bite. Elle a été mordue par un chien, She’s been bitten by a dog. Goals – Practice, with help from me, the passé composé. Les Devoirs – Pas!