Pam y mae gwneud teithiau byw a chynaliadwy i’r ysgol yn bwysig? Teithiau Doethach Pam y mae gwneud teithiau byw a chynaliadwy i’r ysgol yn bwysig?
Ym mhle caiff sut yr ydym yn teithio effaith? Talk through the 3 headings briefly, say you’re going to start with looking at how we travel has an impact on us Ar ein cyrff Yn ein cymuned Ar y blaned
Cadw’n Iach Now we’re going to look at the impact of travel on our bodies. Go through pictures and ask what they each represent, eating a good balanced diet, not smoking, walking and cycling to school with friends [having fun with friends helps you stay healthy] , exercising/playing, cycling to school [finish on this one], then go into keeping safe is part of keeping healthy, click will enlarge picture of cycling, what do they notice? All have high visibility vests and helmets, cycling together, keep safe. Next talk about reducing traffic…
Llai o amser mewn tagfeydd Lleihau traffig Ffyrdd diogelach Less dirt Llai o amser mewn tagfeydd If we all travel to school in cars the roads around where we live get very busy and jammed up. And it makes the roads less safe. If more people walked and cycled it would be much safer around school there would be less parked cars, queues, etc then other benefits of less traffic Llai o sŵn Llai o faw
Arbed arian Bydd Beicio neu Gerdded un filltir i ac o’r ysgol bob dydd yn lle gyrru yn arbed hyd at… i chi a’ch rhieni mewn un flwyddyn ysgol Ar beth allwch chi wario yr arian yna? £350 About benefit to us and our parents of making journeys by bike or on foot is saving money. Fuel costs a lot of money, £350 a year for going to school each day in car. Could use this money to buy other things… ask pupils what they would like to buy with the money…..
? CO2 Who knows what comes out of car exhaust which is bad for the environment? [click] Carbon dioxide. And how much….
1 filltir i’r ysgol – faint o C02? Well on a one mile trip to school each day, a car will produce about 27 balloons full of co2, where as you on your bike or on foot won’t produce any! Where does all the CO2 go? Why is it bad?
C02 C02 The carbon cycle used to keep the amount of CO2 produced in balance – the amount produced by animals and people was the same as the amount captured and stored by plants and trees. But as the number of people increased, the amount of CO2 we produced has gone up a lot, especially as we’ve used more and more fuel for energy. At the same time we’ve got rid of a lot of plants and trees, so the amount they can capture and store is less. This means the carbon cycle cannot keep the balance any more and the excess CO2 goes up into the atmosphere… 02
The carbon cycle used to keep the amount of CO2 produced in balance – the amount produced by animals and people was the same as the amount captured and stored by plants and trees. But as the number of people increased, the amount of CO2 we produced has gone up a lot, especially as we’ve used more and more fuel for energy. At the same time we’ve got rid of a lot of plants and trees, so the amount they can capture and store is less. This means the carbon cycle cannot keep the balance any more and the excess CO2 goes up into the atmosphere…
Effaith tŷ gwydr CO2 CO2 The excess Carbon dioxide goes up into the atmosphere and creates a blanket layer around planet, heat from sun still gets in, but can’t get out – like with a greenhouse – so the atmosphere inside Carbon dioxide blanket warms up, which is why we call it global warming. And this is making the ice caps melt and altering our weather. CO2
Felly cofiwch, gall sut yr ydych chi yn teithio effeithio ar… Eich corff Eich cymuned Eich planed Recap on why its important to make active, sustainable journeys.
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