Army Intervention Day – 5thJune 2019 We are so proud of 30 of our students who attended an Army Workshop on Wednesday 5th June. All students who have an interest in joining the Army were invited to meet 8 soldiers from the Army Regiment. Included in their day was: A presentation to the students about how they can go about joining the Army, the jobs that are available, the qualifications that are required (and, crucially, things that can bar them from service). This lasted around 45 minutes and involved an open two way discussion between the officers and the students, as well as watching some videos. This was an opportunity for the students to reflect on what the Army is, what the Army do, and if the Army will then suit them; as a potential career choice. An informal chat where the Soldier’s shared “I was in your position once, now I’m in the Army” followed by refreshments and an opportunity for the students to ask honest and open questions. Then finally the students moved onto “Command task” activities – these were in the style of team-building initiatives, such as get your team across the river whilst two students are blindfolded, how can you get 5 members of your team onto the smallest towel, etc. The students completed 4 tasks over 90 minutes.